IDENTILIN$$ F109O34|Storm|MS Rawl. poet. 117\ff. 26-27\GL\P:EWS\o\6-16-93;6-27-95\C:JSC\'95;7-23-01 109.O34.0HE Dunne his discription of a storme /Suffered in the Ilande voyage. 1597 /And sent to M%5r%6 [Chi][rho]o:%5r%6 Brooke. 109.O34.001 Thou w%5ch%6 arte I: tis nothinge to be soe 109.O34.002 Thou w%5ch%6 arte still thye selfe, by this shall knowe 109.O34.003 p%Pte of or%>>ou%5r%6< passage, and a hande or eye 109.O34.004 by %1Hilliard%2 drawne is worth a historye 109.O34.005 by a worse p%Paynter[sic] made, and w%5th%6out pride 109.O34.006 When by thy iudgement they are dignifyed 109.O34.007 My lynes are such tis the preheminence 109.O34.008 Of freindship onlye to impute excellence| 109.O34.009 %X%1The#Storme%2./England to whome we owe, what we be and haue 109.O34.010 sayd y%5t%6 hir sonnes should seeke a forrayne graue 109.O34.011 ffor fates, or fortunes no driftes, none can soothsaye 109.O34.012 Honor, and misserye, haue one face one waye 109.O34.013 ffrom out hir pregnant entrayles surged a wynde 109.O34.014 w%5ch%6 at th%Ye%Zayres middle marble roome did fynde 109.O34.015 such strange resistance, y%5t%6 it selfe it threwe 109.O34.016 Downewardes agayne, and so when that did vewe 109.O34.017 Howe in ou%5r%6 portes ou%5r%6 shippes deare tyime[sic] did lease 109.O34.018 Witheringe like prisoners w%5ch%6 lay but for fees [CW:om] 109.O34.019 Mildlye it kist ou%5r%6 sayles; and fresh, and sweet [26v] 109.O34.020 As to a stomacke starude whose insides meete 109.O34.021 meate comes, yt came, and sweld ou%5r%6 sayles * wee 109.O34.022 so ioyde, as Sara hir swellinge ioyde to see 109.O34.023 but twas but so kind as ou%5r%6 countrymen, 109.O34.024 who bringe %Yone%Z#freindes one dayes waye, & leaue them then. 109.O34.025 Then like two mightye kinges w%5ch%6 dwellinge farre 109.O34.026 a sunder mett agaynst a third to warre, 109.O34.027 The south, and westwyndes ioynede, and as they blewe 109.O34.028 Waues like a %Yw%Z rowlinge trench before them threwe 109.O34.029 Sooner then you reade this lyne, did the gale 109.O34.030 Like shott %Ynot%Z not fearde till felte, ou%5r%6 sayles, assayle 109.O34.031 And what at first was calld a gust, the same 109.O34.032 hath nowe a stormes, anone a tempestes name 109.O34.033 Ionas I pittye thee, and curse those men 109.O34.034 Who when the storme raged most, did wake thee then 109.O34.035 Sleepe is paynes easyest salue, and doth fulfill. 109.O34.036 All offices of death except to kill, 109.O34.037 But when I wakte, I sawe, y%5t%6 I sawe not 109.O34.038 I, and the sonne y%5t%6 should teach me, had forgott 109.O34.039 East, west, day night, and I could but saye 109.O34.040 If the world had lasted, nowe it had bin daye 109.O34.041 Thousands ou%5r%6 noyses weare but we mu>%Vng>salt<<] dropsye cloggd, and all ou%5r%6 tacklinges 109.O34.056 Snappinge like two high stretch treble stringes 109.O34.057 And from ou%5r%6 tattered sayles ragges dropp downe, soe 109.O34.058 As from one hangde in chaynes a year a goe, 109.O34.059 Yea even ou%5r%6 ordinance plact for ou%5r%6 defence 109.O34.060 Striude to breake loose, and scape away from thence; 109.O34.061 Pumpinge hath tyred ou%5r%6 men, and whats ou%5r%6 gayne. 109.O34.062 Seas into Seas throwne wee sucke vp agayne; 109.O34.063 Stearinge[sic] hath deafte ou%5r%6 saylors, and yf they 109.O34.064 knowe howe to hear, theres none knowes what to saye 109.O34.065 Comparde to these stormes, death is but a qualme 109.O34.066 Hell somwhat light, and the Bermudos calme 109.O34.067 Darknesse (Earthes eldest brother) his birthright 109.O34.068 Claymes ore the world, and to heaven hath chased light 109.O34.069 All thinges are one, and that one none can bee 109.O34.070 Since all formes, vniforme deformitye 109.O34.071 doth couer, so that wee (except god saye%Y)%Z[erased] 109.O34.072 an other fyatt) shall haue no more daye 109.O34.073 So longe those vyolent thrise[sic] furyes be 109.O34.074 That though thy absence starue me, I wish not thee.| 109.O34.0SS Finis 109.O34.0$$ %1No ind; [Chi][rho] in HE is a Greek abbreviation (usually in monogram form) for "Christ" (+ o: + %5r%6 = Christo[phe]r) --JSC; caret in "mu>%Vng