IDENTILIN$$ F109B13 Storm\ms. Add.25707, f. 55r-v\GL\P:GAS\o\6-20-95\FC:JSC\7-21-00\C:EWS\1-13-15 109.B13.0HE %XA Storme.| 109.B13.001 Thou w%5ch%6 art I '(tis nothinge to bee soe) 109.B13.002 Thou w%5ch%6 art still thy selfe, by these shalt knowe 109.B13.003 parte of our pasage. And a hand, or eye 109.B13.004 by Hilliard drawne, is worth an history 109.B13.005 by a worse painter made. And w%5th%6out pride 109.B13.006 When by thy Iudgment they are dignifi'd 109.B13.007 my Lynes are such. Tis the preheminence 109.B13.008 of frendship onely to input[sic] excellence 109.B13.009 Englande, to whome we owe what wee bee, & haue 109.B13.010 sadd that her sonnes did seeke a forraine graue 109.B13.011 (ffor fates, & fortunes guifts non can sooth saye 109.B13.012 Honor, & miserie haue one face, & waye.) 109.B13.013 ffrom out her pregnant entrayles sight a winde 109.B13.014 W%5ch%6 at the ayres middle marble roome did finde 109.B13.015 Such stronge resistance; that it selfe, it threw 109.B13.016 downewards againe. And soe when it did veiw 109.B13.109 how in the porte, our fleete deere tyme did leese 109.B13.018 witheringe like prisoners whollie but for fees, 109.B13.019 Mildly it kist our Sayles, and fresh, & sweete 109.B13.020 as to a stomack steru'd, whose insides meete 109.B13.021 meate comes, it came, and swole our sailes when wee 109.B13.022 soe Ioyed, as Sara her swellinge Ioy'd to see. 109.B13.023 But 'twas but soe kinde as are our Country men 109.B13.024 Whoe bringes frendes on dayes way, & leaues them then. 109.B13.025 Then like twoe mightie kinges w%5ch%6 dwellinge farr 109.B13.026 Asunder, mett against a third to warr. 109.B13.027 The South, & West Windes Ioyn'd; and as they blew 109.B13.028 Waues like a rowlinge trench before them threw 109.B13.029 Sooner, then you read this line, did the gale 109.B13.030 Like shot (not fear'd till felt) our sailes assayle. 109.B13.031 And what at first was calld' a Gust; the same 109.B13.032 hath now a Stormes; anon a Tempests name. 109.B13.033 Ionas I pittie thee, & curse those men 109.B13.034 Who, when the Storme rag'd most, did wake thee then. 109.B13.035 Sleepe is paines easiest salue, & doth full fill 109.B13.036 All offices of death; except to kill 109.B13.037 But when I wak'd, I saw that I saw not 109.B13.038 I, and the sun%M w%5ch%6 should teach mee had forgott 109.B13.039 East, West, daye, night, and I could but saye 109.B13.040 yf the world had lasted, now it had byn%M daye 109.B13.041 Thousandes our Noyses were; yet wee 'mongst all 109.B13.042 Could none by his right name but thunder call 109.B13.043 Lightning was all our light, & it rayn'd more 109.B13.044 then.[sic] If the Sun%M had drunck the Sea before. 109.B13.045 Some Coffinde in their Cabines, ly equ>%Va%Vthey< the Shipps sicknes; the Mast 109.B13.054 Shact w%5th%6 this Ague, and the hold, and waste 109.B13.055 W%5th%6 a salt dropsie Clogd, & all our tacklinges 109.B13.056 snappinge like to high stretcht trebble stringes. 109.B13.057 And from our totterd[sic] sayles, raggs dropt downe soe 109.B13.058 As from one hangd' in Chaines a Yeare %Yof%Zagoe. 109.B13.059 Even our ordenance plac'd for our defence 109.B13.060 striu'd to breake loose, & gett[sic] awaye from thence. 109.B13.061 Pumpinge hath tir'd our men, & whats the gaine? 109.B13.062 Seas to Seas throwne, wee suck in againe 109.B13.063 hearinge hath deaft our saylors, and yf they 109.B13.064 knew how to heare, ther's none knowes what to saye 109.B13.065 Compar'd to these Stormes, Death is but a qualme, 109.B13.066 Hell somewhat Lightsome, & the Bermoothees a Calme. 109.B13.067 Darknes, Lights elder brother, his birth right 109.B13.068 Claymes ore the Worlde, and to Heauen hath chasd light 109.B13.069 All thinges are one, and that one none can%M bee 109.B13.070 since all formes, vniforme deformitie 109.B13.071 doth cover. Soe that wee (except God saye 109.B13.072 another fiat) shall haue noe more daye. 109.B13.073 Soe longe but Violent these furies bee 109.B13.074 That (though thine absence sterue mee) I wish not thee.| 109.B13.0SS Finis: I: D.| 109.B13.0$$ %1No ind;%2 input %1in l.8 is right, diplomatically speaking%2