IDENTILIN$$ F14700Ba (1st app)|1635|p. 271\JMK\x(MH)\9-7-00\P:GAS\x\9-13-00\P:EWS\o(CSmH 60123;MH[STC7046(A)])\6-13-01;8-2-02\C:JMK\7-13-01;JSC\7-27-01;8-26-02\p&c:mvf\(TxAM,MH,CtY)\2-6-07 147.0Ba.HE1 %X%1Elegie.%2 147.0Ba.001 MADAME, /T%+Hat I might make your Cabinet my tombe, 147.0Ba.002 And for my fame which I love next my soule, 147.0Ba.003 Next to my soule provide the happiest roome, 147.0Ba.004 Admit to that place this last funerall Scrowle. 147.0Ba.005 Others by Wills give Legacies, but I 147.0Ba.006 Dying, of you doe beg a Legacie. 147.0Ba.HE2 [] 147.0Ba.007 My fortune and my will this custome breake, 147.0Ba.008 When we are senselesse grown to make stones speak, 147.0Ba.009 Though no stone tell thee what I was, yet thou 147.0Ba.010 In my graves inside see what thou art now, 147.0Ba.011 Yet th'art not yet so good; till us death lay 147.0Ba.012 To ripe and mellow there,[three, (TxAM)] w'are stubborne clay, 147.0Ba.013 Parents make us earth, and soules dignifie 147.0Ba.014 Vs to be glasse, here to grow gold we lie; 147.0Ba.015 Whilst in our soules sinne bred and pampered is, 147.0Ba.016 Our soules become worme-eaten Carkasses. [CW:%1Elegie%2] 147.0Ba.017om 147.0Ba.018om 147.0Ba.019om 147.0Ba.020om 147.0Ba.021om 147.0Ba.022om 147.0Ba.023om 147.0Ba.024om 147.0Ba.0SSom 147.0Ba.0$$ Ll. 1-16 only; ll. 2, 5, 6 ind 3 sps; l. 4 ind 2 sps; x(MH) in IDENTILIN = printout of MH/cd/mf, a different copy than that proofed by EWS