IDENTILIN$$ F171.C09/HSBatter Luttrell (f. 97v) /TJS/mf/GAS/o/8-13-92 171.C09.0HEom 171.C09.001 Batter my heart, Three-persond God, for you 171.C09.002 As yet but knocke, breath, shine, & seeke to mend 171.C09.003 That I may rise & stand, orethrow me and bend 171.C09.004 your force to breake, blow, burne, & make me new. 171.C09.005 I, like an vsurpd Towne to another due 171.C09.006 Labour to admitt you, but o%C to no end 171.C09.007 Reason your Vice-roy in me me should defend 171.C09.008 But is captiu'd & proues weake or vntrue 171.C09.009 Yet dearly I loue you, & would be loued faine 171.C09.010 But am betrothd vnto your enemye 171.C09.011 Diuorce me, vntye or breake that knott againe 171.C09.012 Take me to you,, imprison me, for I 171.C09.013 Except you enthrall me neuer shall be free 171.C09.014 Nor euer chast except you rauish me. 171.C09.0SS horizontal rule [CW: In what] 171.C09.0$$ %1ll. 2 4 6 7 10 12 ind 2-4sp; HS followed by 190%2