IDENTILIN$$ F153H060|Har|Harvard MS Eng 966.5 (O'Flahertie)|ff.87v-92, pp.173-81|mf T-LP 153.H06.HE1 Obsequyes vpon the Lord Harrington /the last that dyed. [88] 153.H06.001 Fayre Soule, w.%5ch%6 wast not onely, as all Soules bee, 153.H06.002 Then when thou wert infused, harmony, 153.H06.003 But didst continew so, and now dost beare 153.H06.004 A part in Gods greate Organ, this whole spheare. 153.H06.005 If looking vp to heauen, or downe to vs 153.H06.006 Thou findst that any way is peruious 153.H06.007 Twixt heauen and earth, and that mens actions doe 153.H06.008 Come to yo%5r%6 knowledge, and affections too. 153.H06.009 See, and with ioye, mee to that good degree 153.H06.010 Of goodnesse growne, that I can study thee 153.H06.011 And, by those Meditations refind 153.H06.012 Can vnapparrell and enlarge my mind 153.H06.013 And so can make by this soft Extasy 153.H06.014 This place a Mapp of heauen, my selfe of thee. 153.H06.015 Thou seest mee heere at Midnight. Now all rest 153.H06.016 Times dead low water when all minds devest 153.H06.017 To morrows businesse, when the labourers haue 153.H06.018 Such rest in bedd, that theyr last Churchyard graue 153.H06.019 Subiect to change, will scarse bee a Tipe of this, 153.H06.020 Now when the Clyent, whose last hearing is 153.H06.021 To morrow, sleepes; when the condemned man 153.H06.022 |(|Who when hee opes his eyes must shutt them than 153.H06.023 Agayne by death) although sadd watch hee keepe 153.H06.024 Doth practise dying by a little sleepe|.| 153.H06.025 Thou at this Midnight seest mee, and as soone 153.H06.026 As that Sunne rises to mee (Midnights noone) [CW:All] 153.H06.027 All the world growes transparent, and I see [88v] 153.H06.028 Through all both Church and State in seeing thee 153.H06.029 And I discerne, by fauour of this light, 153.H06.030 My selfe, the hardest Obiect of the sight. 153.H06.031 God is the glasse; As thou, when thou dost see 153.H06.032 Him who sees all, seest all concerning thee|.| 153.H06.033 So|,| yet vnglorifyd, I comprehend 153.H06.034 All, in those mirrours of thy way and end. 153.H06.035 Though God bee truely our Glasse through w%5ch%6 wee see 153.H06.036 All, since the beeing of all things is hee 153.H06.037 yet ar the Trunks, w%5ch%6 doe to vs deriue 153.H06.038 Things in proportion fitt by perspectiue 153.H06.039 Deeds of good men. ffor by theyr beeing heere 153.H06.040 Vertues, indeed remote, seeme to bee neere./ 153.H06.041 But where can I affirme, or where arrest 153.H06.042 My thoughts on his deeds? w.%5ch%6 shall I call best? 153.H06.043 ffor fluid vertue cannot bee lookt on. 153.H06.044 Nor can endure a contemplation. 153.H06.045 As Bodyes change, and as I doe not weare 153.H06.046 Those Spirits, humours, bloud, I did last yeare 153.H06.047 And as if on a streame I fixe mine eye 153.H06.048 That drop on which I lookd is presently 153.H06.049 Pushd with more waters from my sight, and gon: 153.H06.050 So in this sea of vertues can no one 153.H06.051 Bee insisted on: Vertues as riuers passe 153.H06.052 Yet still remaynes that vertuous man there was. 153.H06.053 And, as if Man feeds on mans flesh, (and so 153.H06.054 Part of his body to another owe) 153.H06.055 yet at the last two perfect bodyes rise 153.H06.056 Because God knowes where every Atome lyes|:| 153.H06.057 So if one knowledge were made of all those 153.H06.058 Who knewe his Minutes well, Hee might dispose [CW:His] 153.H06.059 His Vertues into names and rankes, but I [89] 153.H06.060 Should iniure Nature Vertue %Yand%Z destiny 153.H06.061 Should I diuide and discontinew so 153.H06.062 Vertue, w%5ch%6 did in one entirenesse growe. 153.H06.063 ffor as hee that should say spirits ar framd 153.H06.064 Of all the purest parts that can bee namd 153.H06.065 Honours not spirits halfe so much, as hee 153.H06.066 who sayes they haue no parts but simple bee: 153.H06.067 So is't of vertue; for a point, and one 153.H06.068 Ar much entirer then a Million. 153.H06.069 And had fate ment t'haue had his vertues told 153.H06.070 It would haue let him liue to haue bin old|.| 153.H06.071 So, then that virtue in season, and then this 153.H06.072 Wee might haue seene, and sayd that now hee is 153.H06.073 Witty, now wise, now temperate, now iust, 153.H06.074 In good short liues, vertues are fayne to thrust 153.H06.075 And to bee sure betime to get a place 153.H06.076 When they would excercise want roome and space|:| 153.H06.077 So was it in this person, forc'd to bee 153.H06.078 ffor want of time his owne Epitome, 153.H06.079 So to Exhibit, in few yeares, as much 153.H06.080 As all the long-breath'd Chronicles can touch. 153.H06.081 As when an Angell downe from heauen doth flye 153.H06.082 Our quick thought cannot keepe him company 153.H06.083 Wee cannot thinke, now hee is at the Sunne 153.H06.084 Now through the Moone now through the Ayre doth \runn. 153.H06.085 Yet, when hee's come, wee knowe hee did repayre 153.H06.086 To all twixt heauen and earth, sunne, moone and ayre. 153.H06.087 And as this Angel in an instant knowes 153.H06.088 And >yet wee knowe this suddayne knowledge growes 153.H06.089 By quick amassing severall shapes of things 153.H06.090 w.%5ch%6 hee successiuely to order brings [CW:When] 153.H06.091 When they whose slow-pac'd lame thoughts cannot goe [89v] 153.H06.092 So fast as hee, thinke that hee, cannot%>>dothnot< so. 153.H06.093 Iust as a perfect Reader doth not dwell 153.H06.094 On every sillable, nor stay to spell 153.H06.095 Yet without doubt hee doth distinctly see 153.H06.096 And lay together every A and B.:[sic] 153.H06.097 So in short liu'd g|oo|d men's not vnderstood 153.H06.098 Each severall vertue, but the compound good 153.H06.099 ffor they all vertues paths in that pace tread 153.H06.100 As Angels goe and knowe, and as men reade. 153.H06.101 O%C why should then these men, these lumps of balme 153.H06.102 Sent hither this worlds tempest to becalme 153.H06.103 Before by deeds they are diffusd and spredd 153.H06.104 And so make vs aliue, themselues bee dead? 153.H06.105 O%C Soule o%C Circle, why so quickly bee 153.H06.106 Thy ends, thy birth, thy death closd vp in thee? 153.H06.107 Since one foote of thy compasse still was plac'd 153.H06.108 In heauen, the other might securely haue pac'd 153.H06.109 In the most large extent, through every path 153.H06.110 That the whole world, or Man, th'Abridgem%5t%6, hath. 153.H06.111 Thou knowst that though the Tropique Circles haue 153.H06.112 (Yea and those small ones w.%5ch%6 the Poles engraue) 153.H06.113 All, the same roundnesse, evennesse, and all 153.H06.114 The endlesnesse of th'Equinoctiall 153.H06.115 Yet when wee come to measure distances 153.H06.116 How heere how there the Sunne affected is 153.H06.117 Where hee doth fayntly worke and where p%5r%6vayle 153.H06.118 Onely greate Circles, then, can bee our scale|:| 153.H06.119 So though thy Circle to thy selfe expresse 153.H06.120 All tending to thy endlesse happinesse 153.H06.121 And wee, by our good vse of it, may try 153.H06.122 Both how to liue well young and how to dye [CW:yet] 153.H06.123 yet, since wee must bee old, and age endures [90] 153.H06.124 His Torrid Zone at Co%5r%6t and Calentures 153.H06.125 Of hott Ambitions, irrelegions Ice 153.H06.126 Zeales Agues and Hydroptique auarice 153.H06.127 |(|Infirmityes w.%5ch%6 neede the scale of truth 153.H06.128 As well as lust and Ignorance of youth) 153.H06.129 Why didst thou not for these giue medicines too 153.H06.130 And by thy doing sett vs what to doe? 153.H06.131 Though, as small pocket clocks whose every wheele 153.H06.132 Doth each mis-motion and distemper feele 153.H06.133 Whose hands gett shaking palsyes, and whose string 153.H06.134 (His sinnews) slacken, and whose soule, the spring, 153.H06.135 Expires, or languishes, whose pulse, the flye, 153.H06.136 Either beates not, or beates vneuenly, 153.H06.137 Whose voyce, the bell, doth rattle, or grow dombe 153.H06.138 Or idle, as mens who to theyr last hower come|.| 153.H06.139 If these clocks bee not wound, or bee wound still 153.H06.140 Or bee not set, or set at every will: 153.H06.141 So youth bee easyest to destruction 153.H06.142 If, then, wee follow all, or follow none: 153.H06.143 Yet, as in greate Clocks w.%5ch%6 in steeples chime 153.H06.144 Plac'd to informe whole Townes t'employ theyr \time 153.H06.145 An Erro%5r%6 doth more harme beeing generall 153.H06.146 When small Clocks faults only on the wearers fall: 153.H06.147 So worke the faults of Age, on w.%5ch%6 the eye 153.H06.148 Of Children, Servants, or the State, rely. 153.H06.149 Why wouldst not thou then w.%5ch%6 hadst such a soule 153.H06.150 A Clock so true, as might the sunne controule 153.H06.151 And dayly hadst from him who gaue it thee 153.H06.152 Instructions, such as never yet could bee 153.H06.153 Disordred, stay heere, as a Generall 153.H06.154 And greate Sunn-dyall to haue sett vs all? [CW:O] 153.H06.155 O why wouldst thou bee any Instrument [90v] 153.H06.156 To this vnnaturall Course|?| or why consent 153.H06.157 To this, not Miracle, but Prodigy 153.H06.158 That (where the Ebbs longer then flowings bee) 153.H06.159 Virtue, whose floud did with thy youth beginn, 153.H06.160 Should so much faster ebbe out then flowe in? 153.H06.161 Though her floud were blowne in by thy first breath 153.H06.162 All is at once sunke in the whirlepoole death. 153.H06.163 Which word I would not name, but that I see 153.H06.164 Death, else a desart, growne a Court by thee. 153.H06.165 Now I am sure that if a man would haue 153.H06.166 Good company, his entry is a Graue. 153.H06.167 Mee thinkes all Cittyes now but Anthills bee 153.H06.168 Where when the severall Labourers I see 153.H06.169 ffor house, prouision, children, taking payne 153.H06.170 Th'are all but Ants, carrying Eggs straw or grayne. 153.H06.171 And Churchyards are our Cittyes, vnto w.%5ch%6 153.H06.172 The most repayre w.%5ch%6 are in goodnesse rich. 153.H06.173 There is the best concurse and confluence 153.H06.174 There ar the holy suburbs, and from thence 153.H06.175 Beginns Gods Citty new Ierusalem 153.H06.176 which doth extend her vtmost gates to them 153.H06.177 At that Gate, then, triumphant soule dost thou 153.H06.178 Beginn thy %Yentry%Z Triumph; but since lawes allow 153.H06.179 That at the Triumph day the people may 153.H06.180 All that they will 'gaynst the Triumpher say, 153.H06.181 Let mee heere vse that freedome, and expresse 153.H06.182 My Greefe, though not to make thy Triumph lesse. 153.H06.183 By law to triumph none admitted bee 153.H06.184 Till they as Magistrates get victory [CW:Though#then] 153.H06.185 Though, then, to thy force, all youths foes did yeeld [91] 153.H06.186 yet till fitt time had brought thee to that field 153.H06.187 To w%5ch%6 thy ranke in this state destind thee 153.H06.188 That there thy Counsells might get victory 153.H06.189 And so, in that Capacity, remoue 153.H06.190 All Iealousyes t'wixt Prince and Subiects loue 153.H06.191 Thou shouldst no Title to thys Triumph haue 153.H06.192 Thou didst intrude on death, vsurpe a Graue. 153.H06.193 Then (though victoriously) th'hadst fought as yet 153.H06.194 But with thine owne Affections, with the heate 153.H06.195 Of youths desires, and Colds of Ignorance|.| 153.H06.196 But till thou shouldst successefully aduance 153.H06.197 Thine Armes 'gaynst forraigne Enemys, w%5ch%6 are 153.H06.198 Both Envy and Acclamations popular 153.H06.199 (for both these Engins ae%Lqually defeate, 153.H06.200 Though by a diuers mine, those that are greate) 153.H06.201 Till then, thy warre was but a ciuill warre 153.H06.202 ffor w.%5ch%6 to triumph none admitted are|.| 153.H06.203 No more are they, who (though with good success) 153.H06.204 In a defensiue warre theyr power exp%5r%6sse. 153.H06.205 Before men triumph, the dominion 153.H06.206 Must bee enlarg'd, and not preserud alone. 153.H06.207 Why shouldst thou then, (whose Battells were to \winne 153.H06.208 Thy selfe from those straights Nature put thee in 153.H06.209 And to deliuer vp to God that State 153.H06.210 Of w.%5ch%6 hee gaue thee the vicariate 153.H06.211 W%5ch%6 is thy soule and body, as entire 153.H06.212 As hee, who takes endeuours, doth requyre, 153.H06.213 But didst not stay to enlarge his kingdome too 153.H06.214 By making others what thou didst to doe) [CW:Why] 153.H06.215 Why shouldst thou triumph now, when heauen no more [91v] 153.H06.216 Hath gott by getting thee then t'had before? 153.H06.217 ffor heauen and thou, even when thou liuedst heere 153.H06.218 of one another in possession were. 153.H06.219 But this from Triumph most disables thee 153.H06.220 That that place w.%5ch%6 is conquered, must bee 153.H06.221 Left safe from present Warre and likely doubt 153.H06.222 Of im%Minent com%Motions to breake out. 153.H06.223 And hath hee left vs so? Or can it bee 153.H06.224 His Territory was no more but Hee? 153.H06.225 No. Wee are all his charge, the Diocesse 153.H06.226 of every exemplar Man the whole world is, 153.H06.227 And hee was ioyned in Com%Mission 153.H06.228 With Tutelar Angels sent to every one. 153.H06.229 But though theyr freedome, to vpbrayd and chide 153.H06.230 Him who triumphd, were lawfull, it was ty'd 153.H06.231 With this, that it might never reference haue 153.H06.232 Vnto the Senate who the Triumph gaue. 153.H06.233 Men might at Pompey iest, but they might not 153.H06.234 At that authority by w.%5ch%6 hee got 153.H06.235 Leaue to triumph before by Age hee might. 153.H06.236 So, though>,%>#(>>early<< triumphs. And I, (though with payne) 153.H06.244 Lessen our losse to magnify thy gayne 153.H06.245 Of Triumph; when I say it was more fitt 153.H06.246 That all men should lack thee then thou lack it. [CW:Though] 153.H06.247 Though then in our times bee not suffered [92] 153.H06.248 That Testimony of loue vnto the dead 153.H06.249 To dye with them, and in theyr Graues bee hidd 153.H06.250 As Saxon wiues, and |f|french soldury did. 153.H06.251 And though in no degree I can expresse 153.H06.252 Greefe in Great Alexanders greate Excesse 153.H06.253 Who at his frinds death made whole Townes devest 153.H06.254 Theyr walls and Bulwarkes that became them best 153.H06.255 Doe not, fayre soule, this sacrifice refuse 153.H06.256 That in thy Graue I do interre my Muse 153.H06.257 W%5ch%6 by my greefe, greate as thy worth, beeing cast 153.H06.258 Behind hand; yet hath spoke|,| and spoke her last 153.H06.SS om 153.H06.0$$ Lines 81, 105, 257-58 indented 4 sp.