IDENTILIN$$ F022TT1 Dalhousie 1 \ff.53v-4\EWS\o\12 Dec. 1986 022.TT1.0HE %1Elegie%2 022.TT1.001 To make the doubt more cleare that no womans true [f.53v] 022.TT1.002 was itt my fate to proue itt strong in you 022.TT1.003 Thought I, but one, had breathed purest ayre 022.TT1.004 and must shee needes be false because shees faire 022.TT1.005 Is itt your beauties marke or of your youth 022.TT1.006 Or of your perfection not to studdy truth 022.TT1.007 Or thinke you heauen is deafe or hath no eies 022.TT1.008 Or those she hath smile att your periuries 022.TT1.009 Are vowes so cheape w%5th%6 women at->>or< the matter 022.TT1.010 Where of they are made that they are writt in water 022.TT1.011 And blowne away with wind? or doth they breath 022.TT1.012 (#both hott and cold) att once make life and death 022.TT1.013 Who could haue thought so many accentes sweet 022.TT1.014 fform'd into woordes so many sighes should meet 022.TT1.015 As from our hartes so many oathes and teares 022.TT1.016 sprinckled (among all sweeter by your feares 022.TT1.017 And the deuine impression of stolne kisses 022.TT1.018 (that seald the rest) should now proue emptie blisses 022.TT1.019 Did yow drawe bondes to forfeyt Signe to breake 022.TT1.020 Or must wee read yow quite from what yow speake 022.TT1.021 And find the truth out the wrong way? or must 022.TT1.022 The first desier you false would wish you Iust 022.TT1.023 O I prophane Though most woemen bee 022.TT1.024 This kind of beast; My thought shall accept thee 022.TT1.025 My dearest loue. ffroward Iealousie 022.TT1.026 With circumstance might vrge thy Inconstancy 022.TT1.027 Sooner Ile thinke the Sunn will cease to cheare 022.TT1.028 The teeming earth! and that forgett to beare 022.TT1.029 Sooner that Riuers will runne backe or Thames 022.TT1.030 With Ribbes of Ice in Iune would bind his streames 022.TT1.031 Or nature by whose strength the world endures 022.TT1.032 Would change her course before you alter yours 022.TT1.033 But O%C that trecherous breast to whom weake yow 022.TT1.034 Did trust our counselles and wee both may rue 022.TT1.035 Hauing his falshood found too late t'was hee 022.TT1.036 That made yow cast you%5r%6 guiltie and yow mee 022.TT1.037 Whilst he black wretch betrayed each simple woord 022.TT1.038 Wee spake vnto the cunning of a third 022.TT1.039 Curst may he bee that so our loue hath slaine 022.TT1.040 and wander on the Earth wretched as %1Cayne%2 022.TT1.041 Wretched as hee and not deserue least pittie 022.TT1.042 In plagueing him lett misery be wittie 022.TT1.043 Lett all eies shunn him and he shunn each eie 022.TT1.044 till he be noysome as his infamy 022.TT1.045 May he without remorce deny god thrice 022.TT1.046 And not be trusted more on his soules price 022.TT1.047 And after all selfe torment when he dies 022.TT1.048 May woolues teare out his hart %1vultures%2 his eies 022.TT1.049 Swine eat his bowells and his falser tongue 022.TT1.050 that vttered all be to some Rauen flonge 022.TT1.051 And lett his carion coarse be a longer feast 022.TT1.052 To the kinges dogges then any other beast 022.TT1.053 Now I haue curst lett vs our loue reuiue 022.TT1.054 In mee the flame was never more aliue 022.TT1.055 I could begin againe to court and praise 022.TT1.056 And in that pleasure lengthen the short daies 022.TT1.057 Of my liues lease Like Painters that doo take 022.TT1.058 Delight, not in the made woorke but whilst they make 022.TT1.059 I could renewe these times when first I sawe 022.TT1.060 Loue in your eies that gaue my tongue the lawe 022.TT1.061 To like what yow lik'd and att Masques and plaies 022.TT1.062 Commend the selfe same Actours the same wayes 022.TT1.063 Aske how yow did and often with intent 022.TT1.064 Of beeing Officious be impertinent 022.TT1.065 All w%5ch%6 were such soft pastimes as in these 022.TT1.066 Loue was as subtle catchd as a disease 022.TT1.067 But beeing gott it is a treasure sweet 022.TT1.068 W%5ch%6 to defend is harder then to gett 022.TT1.069 And ought not be prophan'd on either part 022.TT1.070 ffor though t'is gott by chance t'is kept by art 022.TT1.0SS %1Finis%2 022.TT1.0$$ %1Even lines indented 2-4 spaces; EWS records space between paren & 1st word of l.12%2