IDENTILIN$$ F020C01 Additional 29\f.14r-v\GL\mf\P:EWS\o\6-16-92\C:JSC 020.C01.0HE Elegye of Loues p%Pgress 020.C01.001 Who euer Loues, yf he doe not propose 020.C01.002 the right true end of Loue, he is one w%5ch%6 goes 020.C01.003 to sea for nothinge, but to make him sicke 020.C01.004 and loue is a bearewhelpe borne, yf wee ouerlicke 020.C01.005 our loue, and force it new strange shapes to take, 020.C01.006 we err and of a lumpe a monster, make, 020.C01.007 were not a calfe, a monster, that weare growne 020.C01.008 fac'de like a man, though better then his owne? 020.C01.009 perfection is in vnitie. preferr 020.C01.010 one woman first, and then one thinge in her. 020.C01.011 I, when I value goulde, maye thinke vpon 020.C01.012 the Ductilenesse, the application, 020.C01.013 the wholsomenes, the Ingenuytie, 020.C01.014 from dust, from soyle, from fyer eu%5r%6 free, 020.C01.015 but if I loue it, tis because tis made 020.C01.016 by o%5r%6 newe nature (vse) the soule of trade 020.C01.017 all these in wome>%Vn<, we might thinke vpon 020.C01.018 (yf woemen had them) but yet loue but one. 020.C01.019 can men more iniure woemen then to say 020.C01.020 theay loue them for y%5t%6, by w%5ch%6 theay are not they? 020.C01.021 makes vertue woemen? must I coole my blood 020.C01.022 till I both be, & finde one %Ywife%Z->>wise< & good? 020.C01.023 may barren Angells loue so, but if wee 020.C01.024 make loue to woemen, vertue is not shee 020.C01.025 as beauty is not, nor wealth, he that strayes thus 020.C01.026 from her, to hers, is more adulterous 020.C01.027 then if he tooke her mayde. search eu%5r%6ie spheare 020.C01.028 and firmament o%5r%6 cupid is not there. 020.C01.029 he is an infernall god, and vndergrounde 020.C01.030 w%5th%6 Pluto dwells, where gould & %Yfyer%Zfyre abounde: 020.C01.031 men to such gods, their sacryficinge coales 020.C01.032 Did not on Alters laye but pitts, & holes 020.C01.033 although wee see Celestiall bodyes moue 020.C01.034 aboue the earth, the earth wee till, & loue 020.C01.035 soe wee her ayres contemplate, wordes, & harte, 020.C01.036 and vertues, but wee loue the centrique parte. 020.C01.037 nor is the soule more worthie, or more fitt 020.C01.038 for o%5r%6 loue is as infinite, as itt. 020.C01.039 but in attayninge this desired place 020.C01.040 how much they stray y%5t%6 set out at the face 020.C01.041 the hayre a for>%Vr%Ve%Vr>knee< 020.C01.084 now at the Papall foote delights to bee 020.C01.085 yf kinges thinke that the nearer way, & doe 020.C01.086 Rise from the foote, louers may doe soe toe 020.C01.087 for as free sphears moue faster farr then can 020.C01.088 Byrdes whom the Ayre resistes, soe may y%5t%6 man 020.C01.089 Which goes this emptye, and Etheriall way 020.C01.090 then if att beautyes Elements he stay 020.C01.091 Rich nature hath in woeman wisely made 020.C01.092 too purses, & there mouthes auersely layde: 020.C01.093 they then w%5ch%6 to %Ythere%Z->>the< lower trybute owe, 020.C01.094 that way w%5ch%6 that exchequer lookes must goe 020.C01.095 he w%5ch%6 doth not, his error is as great, 020.C01.096 as whoe by glister gaue the stomacke meate. 020.C01.0SS I. D. 020.C01.0$$ Ind not recorded; foliation in modern pencil; extensive water staining and bleed-through