IDENTILIN$$ F015O38/Rawlinson poet. 199 (pp.14-5)/TJS/mf/11-18-91/cor EWS/o/6-2-92 015.O38.0HE On his M:%5rs%6 going to bed. 015.O38.001 Come M:%5rs%6 come my powers all rest defy 015.O38.002 Vntill I labour I in labour lye. 015.O38.003 The foe oft-times having the foe in sight, 015.O38.004 Is tir'd with standing though he never fight. 015.O38.005 Of with that girdle like to heav'ns Zone glistring 015.O38.006 But a farre fairer world encompassing %5.%6 %5.%6 %5.%6 015.O38.007 Vnpin that spangled breastplate that you weare 015.O38.008 That I may see my shrine that shines soe faire. 015.O38.009 Vnla>>%5c%6<>Receiv'd< by men, thou angels bringst with thee. 015.O38.021 A heavenly [blank space] Paradise, and though. 015.O38.022 All spirits walke in white wee easly know 015.O38.023 By this these Angels from an evill Spright 015.O38.024 They set our haire but these our flesh vpright. 015.O38.025 Licence my roving hands and let them goe 015.O38.026 Behinde, before, above, betweene, below. 015.O38.027 O my America, my New=found=land; 015.O38.028 My kingdom's safest when with one man mand. 015.O38.029 My mine of pretious stones! my empory! 015.O38.030 How blest am I in my discov'ring thee! 015.O38.033om 015.O38.034 All soules vnbodied->>vnbodi'd< >%^%5are%6< bodies vncloth'd 015.O38.035 Soe->>Toe< tast whole ioyes. Gem%Ms that you women vse 015.O38.036 Are like Atlanta's balls cast in mens views [p. 15 015.O38.037 That when a fool's sight lighteth on a gem, 015.O38.038 His greedy eyes might court these and not them. 015.O38.039 Like vnto books with gawdy cov'rings made 015.O38.040 ffor lay=men, are all women thus array'd. 015.O38.041 Themselves are musick: bookes which only wee, 015.O38.042 Who** their imputed grace will dignify, 015.O38.043 Must see reveald: then sweet that I may know 015.O38.044 As liberally as to a midwife shew 015.O38.045 Thy selfe, cast all, yea this white linnen hence, 015.O38.046 There is noe pennance due to innocence. 015.O38.031 T'enter into these bonds is to be free 015.O38.032 There where my hand shall set my seale shall bee 015.O38.047 To teach thee, I am naked first, why then 015.O38.048 What need'st thou other covering then man 015.O38.0SS %YCorbet%Z| 015.O38.0$$ %1lines 5 47-48 ind; lines 31-32 were trans by scribe between lines 46-47; line 21 has blank space where "Mahomets" should be; line 6 ends with three spaced dots above the line%2