IDENTILIN$$ F015O23/Eng. poet. f.27 (pp.116-17)/TJS/mf/11-5-91/cor EWS/o/6-2-92 015.O23.0HE D%5r%6 Dunne on his M%5rs%6 goeing to bed. 015.O23.001 Come Madam come, all rest my pow'rs defy, 015.O23.002 Vntill I labour, I in labour lye. 015.O23.003 The foe oft times having his foe in sight 015.O23.004 Is tir'd with standing, though hee never fight 015.O23.005 Off with that girdle like heav'ns zone glistring 015.O23.006 But a farre fairer world compassing. 015.O23.007 Vnpinn that spangled breast-plate which you weare 015.O23.008 That eyes of busy fooles may bee stopt there 015.O23.009 Vnlace your selfe, for that harmonious chime 015.O23.010 Tell's mee from you that now it is bed time 015.O23.011 Off with that happy buske which I envie 015.O23.012 That still can bee, and still can stand so nigh 015.O23.013 Your gowne goeing off such beauteous state reveales 015.O23.014 As when from flow'ry meades hills shadow steale 015.O23.015 Off with your wiery corranit and show 015.O23.016 The Diadem which on your head doth grow 015.O23.017 And now cast off those shooes, then softly tred [p. 117 015.O23.018 In this loves hallowed temple, this soft bed. 015.O23.019 In such white robes angells doe vse to bee 015.O23.020 Receiu'd by men, thou angell bringst with thee 015.O23.021 An heaven like Mahomets paradice, and though 015.O23.022 Ill spirits walke in night, yet wee doe know 015.O23.023 By this, these angells from an evill sprite 015.O23.024 Those set our haires, but these our flesh vpright. 015.O23.025 Licence my roueing hands, and lett them goe 015.O23.026 Behinde, before, aboue, beneath, below. 015.O23.027 Oh my America, my new found land, 015.O23.028 My kingdome's safest when with on man man'd 015.O23.029 My Myne of pretious stones, my emperye 015.O23.030 How blest am I in this discou'ring thee. 015.O23.031 To enter into these bands is to bee free, 015.O23.032 There w>%^%5h%6