IDENTILIN$$ F015H04 Harvard, Eng 966.3\ff.43v-44\M:TLP\mf\P:TLP\o\5-8-92\C:JSC 015.H04.0HE Elegie: 015.H04.001 Come Maddame come; All rest my powers defie 015.H04.002 Vntil I labour I in labour lye: 015.H04.003 The foe ofttimes hauing the foe in sight 015.H04.004 Is tir'de w%5th%6 standing though they neuer fight 015.H04.005 Off w%5th%6 that girdle like Heaue'ns Zones glistering 015.H04.006 But a farre fairer world in compassing 015.H04.007 Vnpin that spa%Angled Breast=plate w%5ch%6 yo%5w%6 weare, 015.H04.008 That th'eies of busie fooles may be stopt there. 015.H04.009 Vnlace yo%5r%6 selfe for that harmonious chyme 015.H04.010 Tells me from yo%5w%6 that know; tis yo%5r%6 bed tyme| 015.H04.011 Off w%5th%6 that happie busk whom I envye 015.H04.012 That still can be, and still can stand soe nigh, 015.H04.013 yo%5r%6 gownes going off such beauteous state reveales 015.H04.014 As where from flowry meades, th'hilles shadowe steales. 015.H04.015 off w%5th%6 yo%5r%6 wyerye Coronett, and showe 015.H04.016 The hayrie Diademe, w%5ch%6 on yo%5w%6 doth growe: 015.H04.017 Off w%5th%6 those shooes, and then safely tread 015.H04.018 In this Loues Hallowed Temple, this soft bed. 015.H04.019 In such white robes, Heaue'ns Angells vse to be 015.H04.020 receivd by men, thou Angell bringst' w%5th%6 thee 015.H04.021 a Heauen like Mahomets Paradise: And though [CW:ill:] 015.H04.022 Ill sprights >%Vdoe< walke in white we easilie knowe [44] 015.H04.023 by this, theis Angells, from an evill Spright 015.H04.024 They sett our haires, but theis the>>[var:]our<< flesh vpright; 015.H04.025 License by roving hands, and let them goe 015.H04.026 behinde, before, aboue, betweene, belowe. 015.H04.027 Oh my America, my newe=found Land 015.H04.028 My kingdome safest when w%5th%6 one man man'd 015.H04.029 My myne of precious stones, my Emperye 015.H04.030 How blest am I in this discovering thee? 015.H04.031 To enter in to theis bonds is to be free. 015.H04.032 Then where my hand is sett, my seale shall be 015.H04.033 ffull naked>>ness<< all ioyes, are due to thee: 015.H04.034 As soules vnbodied, Bodies vncloath'd must be 015.H04.035 To tas't whole ioyes: Gemmes w%5ch%6 yo%5w%6 women vse 015.H04.036 Are as At'%Yt%Z>l>[var.]see<< reveild, then since I may knowe 015.H04.044 As liberallie, as to a Midwife, showe 015.H04.045 thyselfe, tast all, yea this white linnen hence 015.H04.046 there is noe pennance, >>%J<>%K<<>>[var:]due#to<< innocence: 015.H04.047 to->>To< teach thee; I am na%Aked first: why than; 015.H04.048 What needs't thou haue more covering then a Man? 015.H04.0SS Finis 015.H04.0$$ I: D: %1and 3 dots in LM opposite l. 1; no ind. pattern; variants in a later hand.%2