IDENTILIN$$ F015.AU1/ MS 29 (pp. 173-5)/ EWS/o/6-23-83/cor EWS/mf/6-29-92 015.AU1.0HE I: D: to his wife going to bedd. 015.AU1.001 Come, Madam, come, all rest my powers defye, 015.AU1.002 Vntill I labour, I in labour lye, 015.AU1.003 The foe oft times hauing y%5e%6 foe in sight, 015.AU1.004 I%Cs tired with standing though hee neuer fight; 015.AU1.005 Off with y%5t%6 girdle like heauens zone qlistring, 015.AU1.006 But a farre fayrer world encompassing, 015.AU1.007 Vnpinn y%5t%6 spangling breastplate y%5t%6 you weare, 015.AU1.008 That I may see y%5e%6 shrine, that shines so fayre, 015.AU1.009 Vnlase your selfe, for that harmonious chime 015.AU1.010 Tells mee from you y%5t%6 now t'is your bedd time, 015.AU1.011 Off with y%5t%6 happy buske y%5t%6 I enuy, 015.AU1.012 That still will bee, and still cann stand so nigh, 015.AU1.013 Your gowne going off such beautious state reueales, 015.AU1.014 As when from flowry meads, hills shadowes steales, 015.AU1.015 Off with y%5t%6 uery Coronett, and show 015.AU1.016 The hairy dyadems on you doe growe, 015.AU1.017 Now off with those shoes, and then softly tread, 015.AU1.018 I%Cn this loues hallowed Temple, this soft bedd. 015.AU1.019 I%Cn such white robes heauens Angells us'd to bee [p. 174 015.AU1.020 Receiu'd by men, thou Angell bringst with thee 015.AU1.021 A heauenly Mahometts Paradise, and though 015.AU1.022 All Spiritts walke in white, wee easely know 015.AU1.023 By this these Angells from an euill Spright 015.AU1.024 They sett our haire, but these our flesh upright, 015.AU1.025 Licence my rouing handg->>hands< and let them goe 015.AU1.026 Behind, before, betweene, aboue, belowe: 015.AU1.027 O my America, my new found land, 015.AU1.028 My kingdome safest when with one t'is mand, 015.AU1.029 My mine of pretious stones, my Empery 015.AU1.030 How blest am I in this discouering thy 015.AU1.031 Full nakednesse, all eyes are due to thee 015.AU1.032 All Soules unbodied, bodyes clothd should bee, 015.AU1.033 To tast whole ioyes, gemmes y%5t%6 you woemen use. 015.AU1.034 Are as Atlantas balls cast in mens uiews, 015.AU1.035 That a fooles eye lightining on a gemme 015.AU1.036 His greedy eye might court these, and not them; 015.AU1.037 Like unto bookes with gaudy Couerings made 015.AU1.038 For lawmen, are all woemen thus arrayed, 015.AU1.039 Themselues are musick bookes w.%5ch%6 onely wee 015.AU1.040 (Whom theyr imputed grace will dignifye) 015.AU1.041 Must see reueald, then sweet y%5t%6 I maye knowe 015.AU1.042 As liberally, as to a midwife, showe 015.AU1.043 Thy selfe, cast all, yea this white linnen hence, [p. 175 015.AU1.044 There is noe pennance due to innocence, 015.AU1.045 T'enter into those bonds is to bee free 015.AU1.046 There where my hand it selfe, my Seale shall bee, 015.AU1.047 To teach thee I am naked first; why then 015.AU1.048 What needest thou haue more couering then a man. 015.AU1.0SSom 015.AU1.0$$ %1no ind; the change in l. 25 is scribal; HE has a horizontal rule beneath it%2