IDENTILIN$$ F012WN1 Dolau Cothi ms. 6748|pp.35-37\E:CMR\EWS\o\7-16-85\P:EWS,GAS\mf\9-28-94 012.WN1.HE1 %XElegie 012.WN1.001 O let not mee serue soe as those men serue 012.WN1.002 Whome honours smoakes att once, fatten and sterue 012.WN1.003 Porely enricht with great mens words or looks 012.WN1.004 Nor soe wright my name in their louinge books, [CW: As:] 012.WN1.005 As those Idolatrous flatterers, which still, [p. 36 012.WN1.006 Their Princes stiles with many liues fulfill, 012.WN1.007 Whence they no tribute haue, and where no swaie 012.WN1.008 Such seruices I offer, as shall paie 012.WN1.009 Them selues: I hate dead names, oh then lett mee 012.WN1.010 Fauorite in ordinarie, or no fauorite bee. 012.WN1.011 When my Soule was in her owne body sheathd, 012.WN1.012 Not yet by oathes betrothd, nor kisses breathd 012.WN1.013 Into my Purgatorie, faithles thee 012.WN1.014 Thy hart seemd waxe, and steele thy constancie. 012.WN1.015 Soe careles flowers strawd in the waters face, 012.WN1.016 The curld whir=pooles, suck, smack, and embrace 012.WN1.017 Yet drowne them: soe the Tapers beamie eye 012.WN1.018 Amarously twinklinge, beckens the giddie flye, 012.WN1.019 Yet burns his wings; and such the Deuill is 012.WN1.020 Scarce visitinge them who are intirely his 012.WN1.021 When I behold a streame which from the springe, 012.WN1.022 Doth with doubtfull Mellodius mvrmuringe, 012.WN1.023 Or in a speechles slumber, calmely ride 012.WN1.024 Her wedded channells bosome, and then chide 012.WN1.025 And bend her browes, and swell, if a%M Bow 012.WN1.026 Doe but stoope downe to kisse her vpmost brow; 012.WN1.027 Yet if her often gnawinge kisses win 012.WN1.028 The traitrous banke, to gape and let her in 012.WN1.029 Shee rusheth violently, and doth diuorce, 012.WN1.030 Her from her natiue, and her longe kept course 012.WN1.031 And roares, and braues itt, and in gallant scorne, 012.WN1.032 In flatteringe Eddies promising returne, 012.WN1.033 Shee flouts the channell, who thence forth is drie, 012.WN1.034 Then sai I, that is shee, and this am I. 012.WN1.035 Yett let not thy deepe bitternes begett 012.WN1.036 Careless despaire in mee, for that will whett 012.WN1.037 My mynde to scorne; and oh loue duld with paine [p. 37] 012.WN1.038 Was nere soe wise, nor well armd, as disdaine. 012.WN1.039 Then with new eyes I shall suruey thee, and spie 012.WN1.040 Death in thy cheekes, and darknes in thine eye, 012.WN1.041 Though hope bred faith, and loue; thus taught I shall 012.WN1.042 As nations doe from Rome, from thy loue fall. 012.WN1.043 My hate shall outgrowe thine, and vtterlie 012.WN1.044 I will renownce thy dalleance: and when I 012.WN1.045 Am the Recusant in that resolute state 012.WN1.046 What hvrts itt mee to bee excommunicate.| 012.WN1.0SSom 012.WN1.0$$ %1no ind.; file made by CMR from EWS HWT%2