IDENTILIN$$ F012.SP1/ElServe MS 49.B.43 (ff. 29v-30v)/ TJS/mf/4-20-92/cor GAS/o/8-4-92\c:mvf\10-2-07 012.SP1.HE1 %XElegie 9. 012.SP1.001 O%+h! let mee not serve soe as those Men serve, 012.SP1.002 Whome honors smoakes at once fatten, and sterue. 012.SP1.003 Poorelie inric'ht with great Mens words, or lookes, 012.SP1.004 Nor to write my name in thy loving Bookes. 012.SP1.005 As those Idolatrous flatterers; w%5ch%6 still 012.SP1.006 Their Princes stiles, w%5ch%6 manie Realmes fulfill. 012.SP1.007 Whence they noe tribute haue, and where noe swaye. 012.SP1.008 Such seruices I offer as shall paye 012.SP1.009 Themselves, I hate dead names: oh then lett mee 012.SP1.010 Fauorite in ordinarie, or noe ffauorite bee. 012.SP1.011 When my Soule was in her owne bodie sheath'd 012.SP1.012 Nor yet by oathes betroath'd, nor kisses breath'd 012.SP1.013 Into my Purgatorie faithlesse thee, 012.SP1.014 Thy Hart seem'd Waxe, and Steele thy Constancie. 012.SP1.015 Soe carelesse fflowers strowe>y%>d< on y%M waters face 012.SP1.016 The curled Whirle-Poole suck, smack, and embrace, 012.SP1.017 Yet drowne them. Soe the Tapers beamie Eie 012.SP1.018 Amorouslie twinckling beckens the giddie fflie 012.SP1.019 Yet burnes his winges; And such the Deuill is 012.SP1.020 Scarst visiting them who are intirelie his. 012.SP1.021 When I behold a Streame, w%5ch%6 from the Springe [CW: Doth] 012.SP1.022 Doth with dolefull melodious murmuring, [f. 30r 012.SP1.023 Or in a speechles Slumber calmelie ryde 012.SP1.024 His wedded Channelles bosome, and then chyde 012.SP1.025 And bend her Browes, and swell if anie Boughe 012.SP1.026 Doe but stoope downe to kisse her vpmost browe, 012.SP1.027 Yet if her often g>r%>nc%>k