IDENTILIN$$ File X012O21 Eng poet f.9\pp.46-47\GL\mf\P:EWS\o\6-4-92\C:JSC 012.O21.0HE Elegie. 012.O21.001 Oh let me not serue >%Vso< as those men serue 012.O21.002 whome honnors smoake at once flatter; & sterue 012.O21.003 poorely enricht w%5th%6 great mens wordes & lookes 012.021.004om 012.O21.005 as those Idolatrous flatterers w%5c%6 still 012.O21.006 their princes stiles w%5th%6 many realmes fulfill. 012.O21.007 where they not tribute haue; and where %Ywe%Z#>no< sway, 012.O21.008 Such seruices I offer as shall pay %Ythem#selues%Z 012.O21.009 themselues; I hate dead names; Oh then let mee 012.O21.010 ffauoritt in ordinary or not fauoritt bee. 012.O21.011 When mine owne body was in mine owne body sheath'd 012.O21.012 nor yet my breath betroth'd; nor kisses breath'd 012.O21.013 into my purgatory faythlesse thee; 012.O21.014 thy hart seem'd wax; and steele thy constancy; 012.O21.015 So carelesse flowers; strow'd on the waters face, 012.O21.016 the Curled whirlepooles; sucke; smacke & embrace, 012.O21.017 Yet drowne y%M; so the Tap%Ps beamy eye 012.O21.018 amourously twinckling; beckens the giddy fly. 012.O21.019 Yet burnes his wings; and such the diuell is 012.O21.020 scarce viseting those; who are entirely his 012.O21.021 when I behold a streame w%5c%6 fro%M y%5e%6 spring 012.O21.022 doth w%5th%6 doubtfull melodious murmuring 012.O21.023 or in a speechlesse slumber calmely ride 012.O21.024 her wedded channels bosome and there Chide [CW:om] 012.O21.025 And bend her browes and swell if any bowe [47] 012.O21.026 or but stoope downe to kisse her vtmost browe 012.O21.027 But if her often gnawing kisses winn 012.O21.028 y%5e%6 traitrous bankes to gape and lett her in 012.O21.029 she rusheth violently and doth diuorce, 012.O21.030 her from her natiue; & her long kept course. 012.O21.031 & rores and braues it and in gallant scorne. 012.O21.032 in fflattring Eddies p%Pmiseing retorne. 012.O21.033 shee flowtes, her channell who thenceforth is dry 012.O21.034 y%5n%6 say I that; this; is shee; and that; am I; 012.O21.035 But let not thy deepe bitternesse forgett 012.O21.036 carelesse despaire in mee; for that will whet 012.O21.037 my mynd to scorne; & so loue dul'd w%5th%6 paine 012.O21.038 was nere so wise; or wel-arm'd as disdaine. 012.O21.039 then w%5th%6 new Eyes; I shall Suruay thee and spy 012.O21.040 death in thy cheekes and darknesse in thine Eye 012.O21.041 Though hope breed fayth & loue; thus taught I shall. 012.O21.042 as nations doe from Rome from thy loue fall. 012.O21.043 My hate shall oregrow thine; & vtterly 012.O21.044 I will renounce thy dalliance; & when I, 012.O21.045 am the recusant; in that desp%Pate state 012.O21.046 what hurtes it mee to bee Excommunicate; 012.O21.0SS ffinis| 012.O21.0$$ %1Line 4 om; no ind%2