IDENTILIN$$ F010H07 Harvard, Eng 966.6\ff 94v-95v\M:GL\mf\P:TLP\o\5-12-92\C:JSC 010.H07.0HE /.Elegia Vicesima Qvinta./ 010.H07.001 Once%A, a%And but onc%Ae found in thy Compa%Anie 010.H07.002 All thy supposde Escapes a%Are la%Ade on mee. 010.H07.003 And a%As a%A Theife at Barr is questiond there 010.H07.004 By all the men, that haue bene robd y%5t%6 yea%Are: 010.H07.005 Soe a%Am I by thy[var:>>this<<] Trayterous mea%Ans surpriz'de 010.H07.006 By thy Hydroptique fathe%5r%6 Ch->Cathechize'd. 010.H07.007 Though he had wont to seac%Ah w%5th%6 Glased Eyes 010.H07.008 As though he came to kill a Cokatrite%A 010.H07.009 Though he hath oft sworne, that he will remove 010.H07.010 Thy Bewtious, Bewty, a%And food of o%5r%5 Love 010.H07.011 Hope of his Goods, if I wish thee were seene 010.H07.012 Yet close, and secret as o%5r%6 sowles we have bene 010.H07.013 Though thy Immortall Mothe%5r%6 w%5ch%6 doth lye 010.H07.014 Still buryed in her Bedd yet will not dye 010.H07.015 Ta%Akes that Advan%Mta%Ag%Ae to sleepe out %Ynight->day%Z->/>day-light< 010.H07.016 And wach the Entryes, & retornes the night. [CW:.And.] 010.H07.017 And when she ta%Akes thy ha%And, & wold seeme kynd [45r] 010.H07.018 Doth searc%Ah what Rings And Armlets she can finde 010.H07.019 And kissinge notes the Colou%5r%6 of thy fac%Ae 010.H07.020 And >>%Vfearing<< leas%At thou ar%At swolne doth thee embra%Ac%Ae 010.H07.021 To try if thou dost Longe, doth name stra%Ange mea%ats 010.H07.022 And notes thy Palenes, blushinghs, sighs & sweats 010.H07.023 And Politiquely will to thee Confesse 010.H07.024 The sins of her owne youths ranc%Ake wanton%Mes. 010.H07.025 Yet Loue these sorce%Aryes did remove, and move 010.H07.026 Thou to gull thine one Mothe%5r%6 for my Loue. 010.H07.027 Thy little Bretheren w%5ch%6 like feary Sprights 010.H07.028 Oft skip into o%5r%6 Cha%Ambe%5r%6 those sweet nights 010.H07.029 And kyst, a%And Iugled on thy fathe%5r%6s knee 010.H07.030 Were brybd'e next day to tell what they did see 010.H07.031 The Grym- eight- foote- highe- Iron- bownd- serving \(man 010.H07.032 That oft na%Ames God in oaths, & only than 010.H07.033 He that to barr the first Gate doth a%As wyde 010.H07.034 As y%5e%6 Great Rhodian-Colossus stryde. 010.H07.035 W%5c%Ah%6 if in hell no other pains their were: 010.H07.036 Makes me feare Hell, beca%Ause he must *M->>be< there [CW:Though.] 010.H07.037 Though by thy ffathe%5r%6 He was hyrde to this [95v] 010.H07.038 Could neve%5r%6 wytnes any touc%Ah or kisse. 010.H07.039 But oh too Comon Ill, I brought w%5th%6 mee 010.H07.040 That w%5c%Ah%6 betraid me to myne Enemye. 010.H07.041 A lowde p%Pfume w%5ch%6 at my Entranc%Ae Cryde 010.H07.042 Even a%at thy ffathe%5r%6s Nose, so we were spyde. 010.H07.043 When like A Tyran-kinge, that in his Bedd 010.H07.044 Smelt Gunpowde%5r%6, the Pale wretc%Ah shyvered, 010.H07.045 Had it bene some badd smell he wold have thought 010.H07.046 That%A his owne feet, or brea%Ath that smell had wrought 010.H07.047 But as we in o%5r%6 Isle Imprisoned 010.H07.048 Where Cattell only & dyvers Doggs are Bredd, 010.H07.049 The p%5r%6cious Vnicorne; strange monstrous call, 010.H07.050 So thought he good strang that had none at a%All. 010.H07.051 I taught my sylks their whistlings to forbea%Are 010.H07.052 Even my opp%5r%6est shoes Dumbe, & speachles were: 010.H07.053 Only thou Bytter-sweet, whom I ha%Ad la%Ayd 010.H07.054 Next mee, mee Traytorously >>%V[M:hast]<< betra%Ayde: 010.H07.055 And vnsuspe%Acted hast Invisablie 010.H07.056 Att once%A fledd vnto him, a%And stayd w%5th%6 mee. 010.H07.057 Base Exc%Arem%5t%6 of Earth, w%5c%Ah%6 dost Confound 010.H07.058 Sense from distinguishinge the sic%Ak from sound [CW:.By.] 010.H07.059om 010.H07.060om 010.H07.061om 010.H07.062om 010.H07.063om 010.H07.064om 010.H07.065om 010.H07.066om 010.H07.067om 010.H07.068om 010.H07.069om 010.H07.070om 010.H07.071om 010.H07.072om 010.H07.0SS [om] 010.H07.0$$ %1No ind.; hyphenated words in l.31 separated for collation; leaf containing ll. 59-72 missing%2; Car. ms. 33. /(Ch. i. 10-7) %1penciled in LM op. HE%2.