IDENTILIN$$ F00900B 1635,pp.82-84 E:EWS/mf/4-15,16-85 P(CtY,MH,MiU)&C:JPK-5-18-93\P:js\fc(TxAM)\10-25-05 009.00B.0HE %XE%9leg%0. VIII./ %1The Comparison%2. 009.00B.001 A%+S the sweet sweat of Roses in a Still, 009.00B.002 As that which fro%M chaf#d Muskats pores doth tril, 009.00B.003 As the Almightie Balme of th'early East, 009.00B.004 Such are the sweat drops of my Mistris breast, 009.00B.005 And on her neck her skin such lustre sets, 009.00B.006 They seeme no sweat drops, but pearle coronets. 009.00B.007 Ranke sweaty froth thy Mistresses brow defiles, 009.00B.008 Like spermatique issue of ripe menstruous boyles, 009.00B.009 Or like the skumme, which, by needs lawlesse law 009.00B.010 Enforc'd, Sanserra's starved men did draw 009.00B.011 From parboyl'd shoos and bootes, and all the rest 009.00B.012 Which were with any soveraigne fatnesse blest, 009.00B.013 And like vile lying stones in saffrond tin, 009.00B.014 Or warts, or wheales, it hangs upon her skinne. 009.00B.015 Round as the world's her head, on every side, 009.00B.016 Like to the fatall Ball which fell on Ide.[~,(CtY)] 009.00B.017 Or that whereof God had such jealousie, 009.00B.018 As for the ravishing thereof we die. 009.00B.019 Thy %1head%2 is like a rough-hewne statue of jeat, 009.00B.020 Where marks for eyes, nose, mouth, are yet scarce\ (set; [CW:Like] 009.00B.021 Like the first Chaos, or flat seeming face [p.83] 009.00B.022 Of Cynthia, when th'earths shadowes her imbrace. 009.00B.023 Like Proserpines white beautie-keeping chest, 009.00B.024 Or Ioves best fortunes urne, is her faire brest. 009.00B.025 Thine's like worme-eaten trunkes, cloth'd in seals/ (skin, 009.00B.026 Or grave, that's dust without, & stink within. 009.00B.027 And like that slender stalke, at whose end stands 009.00B.028 The wood-bine quivering, are her armes & hands, 009.00B.029 Like rough bark'd elmboughes, or the russet skinne 009.00B.030 Of men late scurg'd for madnesse, or for sinne, 009.00B.031 Like Sun-parch'd quarters on the citie gate, 009.00B.032 Such is thy tann'd skinnes lamentable state, 009.00B.033 And like a bunch of ragged carrets stand 009.00B.034 The short swolne fingers of thy goutie hand; 009.00B.035 Then like the Chymicks masculine equall fire, 009.00B.036 Which in the Lymbecks warme wombe doth inspire 009.00B.037 Into th'earths worthlesse durt a soule of gold, 009.00B.038 Such cherishing heat her best lov'd part doth hold. 009.00B.039 Thine's like the dread mouth of a fired gunne 009.00B.040 Or like hot liquid metals newly runne 009.00B.041 Into clay moulds, or like to that AE%Ltna 009.00B.042 Where round-about the grasse is burnt away. 009.00B.043 Are not your kisses then as filthy, and more, 009.00B.044 As a worme sucking an invenom'd soare? 009.00B.045 Doth not thy fearfull hand in feeling quake, 009.00B.046 As one which gathering flowres, still feares a snake? 009.00B.047 Is not your last act harsh, and violent, 009.00B.048 As when a plough a stony ground doth rent? 009.00B.049 So kisse good Turtles, so devoutly nice 009.00B.050 Are Priests in handling reverent sacrifice, 009.00B.051 And nice in searching wounds the Surgeon is 009.00B.052 As we, when we embrace, or touch, or kisse. [CW:Leave] 009.00B.053 Leave her, and I will leave comparing thus, [p.84] 009.00B.054 She, and comparisons are odious. 009.00B.0SS om 009.00B.0$$ The comma in line 16 has a broken tail in CtY, MH, and MiU. No ind.