IDENTILIN$$ F008SN4|ElBrac ms. 6504 (Wedderburn ms.)| ff. 40v-42v |E:CMR \EWS\ o\6-10-83; pr TJS\mf\'93 008.SN4.HE1om 008.SN4.001 Not that in Coullo%5r%6. it was like thy hayre; 008.SN4.002 ffor Armeletts of that thou ma%Ayst let mee weare; 008.SN4.003 Nor that thy hand it ofte embrac'd and kyste, 008.SN4.004 ffor soe it had that good, w.%5ch%6 ofte I miste. 008.SN4.005 Nor for that seely old moralitee 008.SN4.006 That as those Linckes are tyed, our loue should bee, 008.SN4.007 Mourne I; that I thy seaven-fold Chayne haue lost, 008.SN4.008 Nor for the lucks sake*, but the bitter cost. 008.SN4.009 O%Ch shall twelue righteous Angells w%5ch%6 as yet 008.SN4.010 Noe leauen of vylde soder did admitt, 008.SN4.011 Nor yet by any tainte haue strayde or go%Mne 008.SN4.012 ffrom the first state of their Creation. 008.SN4.013 Angells w%5ch%6 heauen com%Maunded to prouyde 008.SN4.014 All thinges to mee, and bee my faithfull %Ygy%Z guyde, 008.SN4.015 To gaine newe ffrendes, to'appease greate enemyes, 008.SN4.016 To comfort my Soule when I lye, or ryse. 008.SN4.017 Shall these twelue Innocentes by thy seueare 008.SN4.018 Sentence, (dread Iudge) my syns greate burden beare? 008.SN4.019 Shall they bee dam%M'd, and in the fournace throwne 008.SN4.020 And punish't for offences not their owne? 008.SN4.021 They saue not mee, they doo not ease my paynes, 008.SN4.022 when in that hell they' b*->>are, burn'd, and tyed in Chaynes. 008.SN4.023 weare they but Crownes of ffraunce I cared not, 008.SN4.024 ffor most of them their naturall Country rott 008.SN4.025 I thincke possesseth, they come heere to vs [f. 41r] 008.SN4.026 Soe leane, soe pale, soe lame, soe ruin*ous; >>f.<< 008.SN4.027 And howsoere ffrench kinges most Christian bee 008.SN4.028 Their Crownes are circumcis'd most Iewishlee. 008.SN4.029 Or weare they Spanishe stampes, still traueling, 008.SN4.030 That are become as Catholike as their kinge, 008.SN4.031 Those vnlick'd beare=whelpes, vnfyl'd pistoletts 008.SN4.032 That more then Canon shotts avayles or lets, 008.SN4.033 w%5ch%6 negligently lefte vnrounded, looke 008.SN4.034 Like many angel'd ffigures, in the booke 008.SN4.035 Of some greate Coniurer, w%5ch%6 would enforce 008.SN4.036 Nature, as these doe Iustiyce from hir Course. 008.SN4.037 w%5ch%6, as the Soule quickens head, ffeete, and harte, 008.SN4.038 As streames like veynes runne th*rowe the 'earthes eu'ery parte 008.SN4.039 visitt all Countryes, and haue slilye made 008.SN4.040 Gorgeous ffraunce ragged; ruin'd and decayde 008.SN4.041 Scotland w%5ch56 knewe noe state, proude in one day; 008.SN4.042 And mangled seaventeene headed %1Belgia%2. 008.SN4.043 Or weare it such gold as that wheare w%5th%6 all 008.SN4.044 Almighty %1Chimicks%2 from each minerall 008.SN4.045 Having by subtile ffyre a Soule out-pull'd 008.SN4.046 Are durtely and desperately gull'd; 008.SN4.047 I would not spitt to quenche the ffyre they 'weare in, 008.SN4.048 ffo%5r%6. they are guilty of much heynous syn. 008.SN4.049 But shall my harmelesse Angells perishe? shall 008.SN4.050 I loose my guarde, my ease, my ffoode, my All? 008.SN4.051 Much hope w.%5ch%6 they should nourishe wilbe dead, [f. 41v] 008.SN4.052 much of my able youthe, and lustyhead 008.SN4.053 will vanishe, if thou loue let them alone, 008.SN4.054 ffor thou wilt loue mee lesse when they are gon%Me. 008.SN4.055 O%C bee content that some loude squeaking Cryer 008.SN4.056 well pleas'd w%5th%6 one leane threadbare groate for hyre, 008.SN4.057 May like a Devill roare throughe euery streete 008.SN4.058 And gall the fynders Conscience if they meete. 008.SN4.059 Or let mee Creepe to some dread Coniurer 008.SN4.060 w.%5ch%6 w.%5th%6 fantastique scheames fullfills much paper, 008.SN4.061 w%5ch%6 hath deuided heauen in Tenements 008.SN4.062 And w%5th%6 whores theeues and murtherers stufft his rents 008.SN4.063 Soe full, that thoughe* hee passe them all in syn, 008.SN4.064 Hee leaues himselfe noe roome to enter in; 008.SN4.065 And if when all his arte and tyme is spent 008.SN4.066 Hee say t'will ne're bee found, O%C bee content, 008.SN4.067 Receiue the doome from him vngrudginlye, 008.SN4.068 Because hee is the Mouthe of Destinye. 008.SN4.069 Thou say'st, alas the gold doth still remayne 008.SN4.070 Thoughe it bee chaung'd and put into a Chayne, 008.SN4.071 Soe in those first falne Angells resteth still 008.SN4.072 wisdome and knowledge, but 'tis turn'd to ill. 008.SN4.073 As these should doe good workes, and should prouyde 008.SN4.074 Necessityes, but nowe must nource thy pryde. 008.SN4.075 And they are still badd Angells, myne are none, [f. 42r] 008.SN4.076 ffor fforme giues being, and their fforme is go%Mne. 008.SN4.077 Pitye these Angells yet, their Dignityes 008.SN4.078 Passe virtues, powers and principallityes. 008.SN4.079 But thou art resolute, thy will bee don%Me 008.SN4.080 Yet w%5th%6. such anguishe as hir only sonne 008.SN4.081 The Mother in the hungry graue doth lay, 008.SN4.082 vnto the ffyre these Martyrs I betray. 008.SN4.083 Good Soules for you giue lyfe to euery thinge 008.SN4.084 Good Angells for good messages You bringe; 008.SN4.085 Destin'd you mighte haue bin to such a one 008.SN4.086 As would haue lou'd, and worship'd you alone. 008.SN4.087 One w%5ch%6 would suffer hunger, Nakednesse, 008.SN4.088 Yea Deathe, e're hee would make yo%5r%6. nomber lesse. 008.SN4.089 But I am guilty of yo%5r%6. sadd decay 008.SN4.090 May yo%6%5r. fewe fellowes longer w.%5th%6 mee stay. 008.SN4.091 But O%C thou wretched fynder whome I hate 008.SN4.092 Soe much, as I almost pittye thy state, 008.SN4.093 Gold being the heauyest mettle amongst all 008.SN4.094 May my most heavy Curse vppon thee fall. 008.SN4.095 Heere fettre'd, manicled, and hang'd in Chaynes 008.SN4.096 ffirst mayst thou bee, then chayn'd to hellishe paynes, 008.SN4.097 Or bee w.%5th%6 forraine gold bryb'd to betray 008.SN4.098 Thy Country, and fayle both of that and thy pray. 008.SN4.099 May the next thinge thou stoop'st to reache, contayne 008.SN4.100 Poyson, whose nimble fume rott thy moist brayne 008.SN4.101 Or Libells, or some interdicted thinge [f. 42v] 008.SN4.102 w%5ch%6 negligently kept thy ruine bringe. 008.SN4.103 Lust breed Diseases rott thee, and dwell w%5th%6 thee 008.SN4.104 Itchy Desire, and noe abilitee. 008.SN4.105 May all the hurte w%5ch%6 euer gold hath wroughte, 008.SN4.106 All mischeifes w%5ch%6 all Devills euer thoughte, 008.SN4.107 wante after plenty, poore and gowty Age, 008.SN4.108 The plagues of Trauellers, loue, and Maryage 008.SN4.109 Afflict thee, and at thy lyfes latest moment 008.SN4.110 May thy swolne synnes themselues to thee present. 008.SN4.111 But I forgiue; repent then honest Man 008.SN4.112 Gold is restoratiue, restore it than, 008.SN4.113 Or if w%5th%6 it thou beest lothe to departe, 008.SN4.114 Because 'tis Cordiall, w'ould 'tweare at thy harte.| 008.SN4.0SS J D| 008.SN4.0$$ %1non-scribal%2 f. %1in right margin beside line 26; large diagonal slash in LM above & opp. ll. 1-4; l. 1 ind 2 sp. File made by CMR from EWS HWT; file prf by TJS fr mf %2