IDENTILIN$$ F008NY10 NYPL, Cave MS\pp.1-5 of elegies section\M:TLP\P:EWS\o\4-10-91\P:TLP\o\4-8-95\C:JSC 008.NY1.0HE %1Elegia 1.%5ma%6 The Bracelett.%2 008.NY1.001 Not that in colour it was like thy haire, 008.NY1.002 For a***letts%>a>rme>lou'd< squeaking crye%5r%6 [p.3] 008.NY1.056 Well pleas'd w%5th%6 one leane threed=bare groate for hire 008.NY1.057 May like a Diuell rore through euery street 008.NY1.058 And gall the finders conscience, if hee meete. 008.NY1.059 Or let me creep to some dread coniurer 008.NY1.060 W%5ch%6 w%5th%6 fantastiq%Q scheames fullfills much paper 008.NY1.061 W%5ch%6 hath deuided heauen in tenements 008.NY1.062 And w%5th%6 whores, theeus and murderers stuf'd his rents 008.NY1.063 So full that though he passe them all in sinne 008.NY1.064 He leaues himselfe noe roome to enter in: 008.NY1.065 And if when all his art and tyme is spent 008.NY1.066 He say 'twill neer be found, oh be contente 008.NY1.067 Receiue the doome from him vngrudgingly 008.NY1.068 Because he is the mouth of destenye: 008.NY1.069 Thou sai'st alasse the gold doth still remayne 008.NY1.070 Though it be chang'd and put into a Chayne. 008.NY1.071 So in those first falne Angells, resteth still 008.NY1.072 Wisdome & knowledge, but 'tis turn'd to ill. 008.NY1.073 As these should doe good workes & should prouide 008.NY1.074 Necessities but now must nurse thy pride: 008.NY1.075 And they are still bad angells: myne are none 008.NY1.076 ffor forme giues beeing, & theire forme is gone. 008.NY1.077 Pittie these Angells yet, theire dignities 008.NY1.078 Past vertues, powres & principalityes 008.NY1.079 But thou art resolute thy wilbe done 008.NY1.080 Yet w%5th%6 such anguish as her only sonn 008.NY1.081 The Mother in the hungrie graue doth lay 008.NY1.082 Vnto the fire these martyrs I betraye. [CW:om] 008.NY1.083 Good soules! for yow giue lyfe to euery thinge. [p.4] 008.NY1.084 Good angells! for good messages yow bringe. 008.NY1.085 Destin'd yow might haue been to such a one 008.NY1.086 As would haue lou'd & worshipp'd yo%5w%6 alone. 008.NY1.087 One w%5ch%6 would suffer hunger nakednesse 008.NY1.088 Yea death ere he would make yo%5r%6 number lesse. 008.NY1.089 But I am guiltie of yo%5r%6 sad decay 008.NY1.090 May yo%5r%6 few fellowes longer w%5th%6 me stay. 008.NY1.091 But oh thou wretched finder whome I hate 008.NY1.092 So much as I almost pittie thy state. 008.NY1.093 Gold beeing the heauiest mettle among'st all 008.NY1.094 May my most heauye curse vppon the fall. 008.NY1.095 Heere fettred, manacl'd & hang'd in chaines 008.NY1.096 ffirst may'st thou be, then chayn'd to hellish paynes 008.NY1.097 Or be w%5th%6 forraigne gold brib'd to betray 008.NY1.098 Thy countrie, & fayle both of it & thy paye. 008.NY1.099 May the next thing thou stoop'st to r%5e%6ache, contayne 008.NY1.100 Poyson whose nimble fume rott thy moyst brayne 008.NY1.101 Or libells, or some interdicted thinge 008.NY1.102 W%5ch%6 negligently kept thy ruine bringe. 008.NY1.103 Lust bred diseases rott & dwell w%5th%6 thee: 008.NY1.104 Itchy desire and noe abilitye 008.NY1.105 May all the hurte w%5ch%6 euer gold hath wroughte 008.NY1.106 All mischeifes w%5ch%6 all deuills eu%5r%6 thoughte 008.NY1.107 Wante after plentie, poore and goutie age 008.NY1.108 The plauges of trauaylers loue & mariage. [CW:om] 008.NY1.109 Afflicte thee and at thy lyfes latest momente [p.5] 008.NY1.110 May thy swolne sinns themselus to thee p%5r%6sente. 008.NY1.111 But I forgiue: Repent then honest man! 008.NY1.112 Gold is restoratiue, restore it then. 008.NY1.113 Or if w%5th%6 it thou beest loath to departe 008.NY1.114 Because 'tis cordiall would 'twere at thy harte.| 008.NY1.0SS %1Finis. Eleg. 1. Jo: Donn.%2 008.NY1.0$$ %1No ind; ll. 5, 15, 20, 25 numbered in LM (prob. scribal, says TLP)%2