IDENTILIN$$ F008HH4/ElBrac HM 198 Part 1 (pp. 35-7)/ TJS/mf/9-11-91/cor TLP/o/1-7-92 008.HH4.HE1 upon the loss of A Bracelett. 008.HH4.001 Not that in cullour it was like thy Haire 008.HH4.002 for Armletts of that thow mights lett me weare 008.HH4.003 nor that thy Armes it oft imbrast and kist 008.HH4.004 for soe it had that good w%5ch%6: oft I mist 008.HH4.005 nor for that silly ould morrallety 008.HH4.006 (that as those linkes are ty'de our loues should bee) 008.HH4.007 mourne I, that I this seuen fould chaine haue lost 008.HH4.008 nor for the lucke sake, butt the bitter cost 008.HH4.009 %#%#Oh that twelue Righteous Angels w%5ch%6: as yett 008.HH4.010 %#%#no leuen of uile sodar did admitt 008.HH4.011 nor yett by anny fault haue strayed or gone 008.HH4.012 from the first state of theire creation 008.HH4.013 Angels w%5ch%6: Heauen Commaunded to prouide 008.HH4.014 all things to me, And be my faithfull Guide 008.HH4.015 to gaine new frends, t'appease Greate Ennemyes 008.HH4.016 to comfort my soule, when I lye or rise 008.HH4.017 shall theyse twelue Innocents by thy seueare 008.HH4.018 sentence (dread Iudg) my Sins greate burthen beare 008.HH4.019 shall theyse be damn'd and in the furnace throwne 008.HH4.020 and punnisht for offences not theyr owne 008.HH4.021 they saue not me, they doe not ease my paines 008.HH4.022 when that in Hell th'are burn't and tide' in chaines 008.HH4.023 %#%#weare they butt Crowne of Fraunce I cared not 008.HH4.024 %#%#for most of theyse theyr Naturall Country rott 008.HH4.025 I thinke possesseth, they come heere to us 008.HH4.026 soe pale, soe lame, soe leane, soe ruinous 008.HH4.027 and howsoere french Kings most Christian bee 008.HH4.028 theyr Crownes are Circumcis'd most Iewishly 008.HH4.029 %#%#%#Or weere they spannish stampes, still trauelling 008.HH4.030 %#%#%#that are become as Catholique as theyr King 008.HH4.031 those unlikt bear whelpes, unfild pistoletts 008.HH4.032 that more then Cannon shott auailes or letts 008.HH4.033 that neclegently left unrounded looke 008.HH4.034 like manny Angled figures in the booke 008.HH4.035 of some greate Coniurer that would inforce 008.HH4.036 Nature, as theys doe Iustice from her course 008.HH4.037om 008.HH4.038 that like y%5e%6 soule runs through th'Earths eur'y part 008.HH4.039 uisitts all Countryes and haue lightly made 008.HH4.040 Gorgeous ffraunce ragged, ruinde, and decayde 008.HH4.041 Scotland w%5ch%6: knew no state proude in one day 008.HH4.042 and mangled seuenteene headed Belgia 008.HH4.043 %#%#%#Or weer it such gould as that wher withall 008.HH4.044 %#%#%#Almightly Chimickes from Earth Minnerall 008.HH4.045 haueing by subtell fyer A soule out puld 008.HH4.046 and durtely, and desperatly Guld 008.HH4.047 I would not spitt to quench the fyer therin [36 008.HH4.048 for they are guilty of much haynous sin 008.HH4.049 %#%#But shall my harmless Angels perrish? shall 008.HH4.050 %#%#I loose my guard, my* life, myne ease, myne all 008.HH4.051 much hope that they should nourish wilbe dead 008.HH4.052 much of mine able youth and liuely head 008.HH4.053 will uannish; if thow loue lett them alone 008.HH4.054 for thow wilt loue me less when they are gone 008.HH4.055 %#%#%#Oh be content that some loude squeaking Cryer 008.HH4.056 %#%#%#well pleasd with one leane threadbare Groate for hire 008.HH4.057 may like A Diuell roare through euery streete 008.HH4.058 and gall the finders Conscience if they meete 008.HH4.059 %#%#%#Or lett me creepe to some dread Coniurer 008.HH4.060 %#%#%#that w%5th%6: fantastique scheames fils full much paper 008.HH4.061 that hath deuided heauen in tennements 008.HH4.062 and with whores, theyfe, & murtherers, stuffs his rents 008.HH4.063 soe full that though he pass them all in sine 008.HH4.064 heele leaue himselfe no rome to Enter in 008.HH4.065 and if when all his Art and time is spent 008.HH4.066 he'le say t'will nere' be found? oh be content 008.HH4.067 receaue from him thy dome ungrudgingly 008.HH4.068 because he is the mouth of Desteny 008.HH4.069 %#%#%#thow sayest (alas) that gould doth still remaine 008.HH4.070 %#%#%#though it be chan'gd, and putt into A chaine 008.HH4.071 soe in the first fall yett Angels resteth still 008.HH4.072 wisdome and knowledge, but tis turn'd to ill 008.HH4.073 as theise should doe good workes and should prouide 008.HH4.074 necessetyes, butt now must Nurse thy Pride 008.HH4.075om 008.HH4.076om 008.HH4.077 pitty theise Angels yett: theyr Dignetyes 008.HH4.078 pass uertues, power, and Principalletyes 008.HH4.079 butt thow art resolute; thy wilbe done 008.HH4.080 yett with such Anguish, as her only sone 008.HH4.081 the mother in the hungry Graue doth lay 008.HH4.082 unto the fire theys Martires I betray, 008.HH4.083 %#%#%#Good soules for you giue life to euery thing 008.HH4.084 %#%#%#good Angels, for good messages you bring 008.HH4.085 destind you mought haue been to such A one 008.HH4.086 that would haue lou'd, and worshipt you alone 008.HH4.087 that would haue suffered hunger, Nakednes 008.HH4.088 yea death ere he would make your Number less 008.HH4.089 butt I am guilty of your sad decay. 008.HH4.090 may your few fellowes longer with me stay 008.HH4.091 %#%#%#Butt oh thow wretched finder whome I hate 008.HH4.092 %#%#%#soe that I almost pitty thine estate 008.HH4.093 Gould being the heuiest mettle A mongst all 008.HH4.094 may my most heuy curse upon the fall 008.HH4.095 heer fetterd, Mannacled, and ti'de in chaines 008.HH4.096 first mayst thow bee, then chained to hellish paines 008.HH4.097 or be with forraigne Gould bribe'd to betray 008.HH4.098 thy Country and faile both of that and pay 008.HH4.099 may the next thing thow stopst to reach conteine 008.HH4.100 poysen, whose nimble fume rott thy moyst braine 008.HH4.101 or libels, or some Interdicted thing [37 008.HH4.102 w%5ch%6: neglegently left thy ruine bring 008.HH4.103 lust bread diseases rott the, and dwell with the 008.HH4.104 Itchy desire, and no abilletye 008.HH4.105 may all the ill that euer gould hath wrought 008.HH4.106 all mischeife that all Diuels euer thought 008.HH4.107 want after plenty, poore and Gowty Aage->>A*ge< 008.HH4.108 the Plauges of Trauellars, loue, Marriage 008.HH4.109 afflict the, and att thy liues last Moment 008.HH4.110 may thy swolne sins themselues to the Present, 008.HH4.111 but I forgiue, repent the Honnest man 008.HH4.112 gould is restoratiue restore itt then 008.HH4.113 butt if from it thow loath be to depart 008.HH4.114 because tis Cordiall would tweer att thy Hart 008.HH4.0SSom 008.HH4.0$$ %1lines 9, 10, 23, 24, 49, 50 ind. 4sp; lines 29, 30, 43, 44, 55, 56, 59, 60, 69, 70, 83, 84, 91, 92 ind. 6sp; one-line space skipped between ll. 38 & 39%2