IDENTILIN$$ F005VA1|Cat.No.17, ms.25.F.16, Neve ms.\ff. 10-11v\TWH\cf\3-15-95\P:GAS\o\7-7-95\C:JSC\ c:digital drd 6/11/08 005.VA1.HE1 %XSat: 5.| 005.VA1.001 Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe (Muse) nor they [f.10v] 005.VA1.002 Whom any pitty warnes. He w%5ch%6 did lay 005.VA1.003 Rules to make Courtye.%5rs%6 (he beinge vnderstood 005.VA1.004 May make good Courtye.%5rs%6, but who Courtye.%5rs%6 good) 005.VA1.005 Frees from the stinge of Iests, all whom in extreame 005.VA1.006 Are wretched, or wicked; Of these two a Theame 005.VA1.007 Charity, and liberty giue me. What is hee 005.VA1.008 Who office%5rs%6 rage, and Suto.%5rs%6 misserye 005.VA1.009 Can wryte and Iest? If all things be in all 005.VA1.010 As I thinke. Scince all w%5ch%6 were, ar, and shall 005.VA1.011 Bee, be made of the same Elements. 005.VA1.012 Each thinge, each thinge implyes, or rep%5re%6sents 005.VA1.013 Then man is a world, in w%5ch%6 office.%5rs%6 005.VA1.014 Are the vaste rauenous Seas. and Suto.%5rs%6 005.VA1.015 Springs now full, now shallow, w%5ch%6 to 005.VA1.016 That w%%ch%6 drawes them run. These self reasons doe 005.VA1.017 Proue the world a man in w%5ch%6 office%5rs%6 005.VA1.018 Are the deuouringe stomach, and sute%5rs%6 005.VA1.019 The excrement w%5ch%6 they voyde. All men ar dust 005.VA1.020 How much worse ar Suto.%5rs%6 who to mens lust 005.VA1.021 Are made prayes. O woorse then dust or wormes meat 005.VA1.022 For they doe eate you now whose%Ys%Z selues wormes shall eat 005.VA1.023 They are the myls w%5ch%6 grynde you yet you are 005.VA1.024 The wynde w%5ch%6 driues them, And a wastfull warre 005.VA1.025 Is fought against you, and you fight it. Theye 005.VA1.026 Adulerate law, and you p%5re%6pare the waye 005.VA1.027 Like wyttals. The yssue yo%5r%6 owne ruyne is 005.VA1.028 Greatest and fayrest Empresse know you this? 005.VA1.029 Alas noe more then Theame calme head doeth know 005.VA1.030 Whose meads hir Arms drownd, or whose corne they oureflow 005.VA1.031 You S%5r%6, whose righteousnes she loues. Whom I 005.VA1.032 By haueinge leaue to serue am most richly 005.VA1.033 For seruice payd authorizd now begin 005.VA1.034 To know and weed out thys inormious syne [CW:O|] 005.VA1.035 O age of rusty iron, some better wytt [f.11] 005.VA1.036 Call it some woorse name, if ought equall yt 005.VA1.037 The Iron age, w%5ch%6 was when Iustice was sould, now 005.VA1.038 Iniustice is sould deerer farre. Allowe 005.VA1.039 All clayme fees and dutyes. Gamste.%5rs%6 anone 005.VA1.040 The money w%5ch%6 you sweare, and sweat for is gone 005.VA1.041 Into other hands. Soe [space] lands 005.VA1.042 Like %1Angelica%2 scape the striue%5rs%6 hands 005.VA1.043 If law be in the Iudges hart and hee 005.VA1.044 Hath noe hart to resist, %Yl*%Z le%5tt%6re or fee 005.VA1.045 When wilt thou appeale. Power of the Courts below 005.VA1.046 flow from the first mayne head, and therfor can throw 005.VA1.047 Thee (if they sucke thee in) into miserye 005.VA1.048 To feate.%5rs%6, halte.%5rs%6 But if the Iniurye 005.VA1.049 Steele thee to dare Complaine. Alas thou goest 005.VA1.050 Against the streame, when vpwards. when y.%5u%6 art most 005.VA1.051 Heauy and most f%Yayynt%Z%>aint< and in those labo.%5rs%6 they 005.VA1.052 Gaynst whom thou shouldest Complaine, will in thy waye 005.VA1.053 Becum great Seas, ore w%5ch%6 when thou shalt bee 005.VA1.054 forc%Ate to make a goulden brydge thou shalt see 005.VA1.055 That all thy gold; was drownd in them before 005.VA1.056 All things follow the>iand earth and %Ysse%Z she 005.VA1.072 Speaks %Yfate%Z%>>fates< words. And but tells who must be 005.VA1.073 Rich, who poore, whoe in chayres, whoe in Iayles 005.VA1.074 She is all faire, but yet hath foule long nayles 005.VA1.075 W%5th%6 w%5ch%6 she scratcheth Suto%5rs%6. In bodyes 005.VA1.076 Of men (soe in lawe) nayes are the extreamityes 005.VA1.077 Soe office%5rs%6 stre>ttwice, thrice thou hast bought wronge and now hungerly 005.VA1.082 Beggst right. But that dole coms not till these dye 005.VA1.083 Thou haddst much, and lawes %1Vrim%2 005.VA1.084 Thou wouldest for more, and for all hast paper 005.VA1.085 Enough to Clothe all the Carricke pepper 005.VA1.086 Sell that, and by that thou shalt much more leese 005.VA1.087 Then %Yif%Z [space] if he sould his antiquityes 005.VA1.088 O wretch that thy fortunes should morralyse 005.VA1.089 Esops fables, and make tales p%Pphesyes 005.VA1.090 Thou art the swim%Minge whom shaddowes cosned 005.VA1.091 Who diud neere drowninge for what vanished.| 005.VA1.0SSom 005.VA1.0$$ %1no ind; flourish around S in heading; word missing in l.41; x's in l.60 scribal; l.83 badly mangled; word missing in l.87; flourish at end of line 91%2