IDENTILIN$$ F005OQ1|Queen's College ms.|ff. 206-07\JSC\x\10-3-96\P:EWS\o\6-19-97\C:JSC\7-24-97 005.OQ1.HE1 %X%1Satira 5%5ta%6%2. 005.OQ1.001 T%+hou shalt not laughe in this leafe (Muse) nor they%- 005.OQ1.002 Whome any pittie warnes %Y(%ZHe >(>wilt< thou appeale? Power of the Courtes belowe 005.OQ1.046 flowe from the first mayne head, and those can throwe 005.OQ1.047 thee (if they sucke thee in) into myserie, 005.OQ1.048 ffetters, halters, But if the inurye 005.OQ1.049 steele thee to dare complaine.[sic] Alas thou goest 005.OQ1.050 against the streame, when vpwardes when thou art most 005.OQ1.051 heavie and most faint, and in those labours they 005.OQ1.052 gainst whom thou sholdst complaine, will in thy waie 005.OQ1.053 become great seas, ore w%5ch%6 when thou shalt be 005.OQ1.054 forst to make golden bridges, thou shalt see 005.OQ1.055 %Ytha*%Z#that all thy gold was drownd in them before 005.OQ1.056 All thinges followe their likes, onlie who haue maie haue more, 005.OQ1.057 Iudges are gods; He w%5ch%6 made and said them soe 005.OQ1.058 ment not that men shold be forcd to them to goe 005.OQ1.059 by meanes of %1Angells%2: When supplicac%Mons 005.OQ1.060 we send to god to %1Domynations%2 005.OQ1.061 %1Powers cherubyns%2, and all Heavens Courtes if we 005.OQ1.062 shold paie fees as heere, dailie bread wold be 005.OQ1.063 scarce to kynges; So it is: wold it not anger 005.OQ1.064 A Stoick a Coward yea a Martyr 005.OQ1.065 To see a Pursevant come in, and call 005.OQ1.066 all his clothes Copes, bookes, prymmers, and all 005.OQ1.067 his plate challices and take them awaie, 005.OQ1.068 and aske a fee for comynge; O%C nere maie 005.OQ1.069 faire lawes white reu%5er%6end name be strumpeted 005.OQ1.070 to warrant theftes. She is established 005.OQ1.071 Recorder to destiny on earth, and she 005.OQ1.072 speakes fates wordes, and but tells vs who must be [CW:riche][miscatch] 005.OQ1.073 %Ywhoe%Z#rich, whoe poore, whoe in [sic]chaires, who in Iailes. [f.207] 005.OQ1.074 She is all faire, but yet hath fowle longe nailes 005.OQ1.075 w%5th%6 which she scratcheth suitors. In bodies 005.OQ1.076 of men, so in lawe; nailes are the extremityes, 005.OQ1.077 for oficers stretch to more then lawe can doe, 005.OQ1.078 as our nailes reach what no els part can come to: 005.OQ1.079 Why bar'st thou to yon officer foole? hath he 005.OQ1.080 gott those goodes, for w%5ch%6 earst men bard to thee 005.OQ1.081 ffoole twice thrice; thou hast bought wronge & nowe hungerlie 005.OQ1.082 beggst right, But that dole comes not till theis dy: 005.OQ1.083 Thou hadst much, and lawes %1Vrim & Thimym%2 try 005.OQ1.084 thou woldst for more, and for all, hast pap%P 005.OQ1.085 ynoughe to cloth all the Carreckes pepper: 005.OQ1.086 Sell that, and by that thowe shalt more leese 005.OQ1.087 then %1Hamon%2 if he sould his antiquities 005.OQ1.088 O wretch that thy fortune should moralise 005.OQ1.089 Esops fables and make tales prophesies 005.OQ1.090 Thou art that swymminge dogg whom shadowes cosned 005.OQ1.091 Whoe divd neere drowninge for what vanished. 005.OQ1.0SS [om] 005.OQ1.0$$ %1No ind%2