IDENTILIN$$ F004H05|MS Eng 966.4|ff. 122-25v|pp. 243-54\TWH\mf\1-31-95\P:TJS\o\3-15-96\C:JSC\11-11,16,17,23-98 004.H05.HE1 %XSatyra quarta. 004.H05.001 Well I may nowe receiue and dy, my sinne 004.H05.002 Indeede is greate, but I haue byn in 004.H05.003 a Purgatory, such as fear'd Hell is 004.H05.004 a recreation and scarse mappe of this. 004.H05.005 My mind nor with prids itch, nor yet hath byn 004.H05.006 poyson'd with loue to see, or to be seene; 004.H05.007 I had no sute at Court, nor Suite to showe, 004.H05.008 yet went to Court; but as Glare, w%5ch%6 did goe 004.H05.009 to'a Masse in iest, and was faine to disburse 004.H05.010 an hundreth Markes, w%5ch%6 is the statutes curse, 10 004.H05.011 before he scap't; Soe it pleasd' my Destiny 004.H05.012 guilty of my sinne of goinge, to thinke me 004.H05.013 as prone to all ill, and of good as forgett= 004.H05.014 full, as proud, and lustfull, and as much in debt, 004.H05.015 as vaine, as witlesse, and as false, as they 004.H05.016 w.%5ch%6 dwell at Court, for once goinge that way; 004.H05.017 Therefore I suffred this; Towards me did runne 004.H05.018 a thinge more strange, then on Niles slyme the sunne 004.H05.019 e're bred, or all that into Noahs Arke came, 004.H05.020 A thinge w%5ch%6 would haue posd' Adam to name: 20 004.H05.021 stranger then 7 Antiquaries studies, 004.H05.022 then Africks Monsters, Guianaes rarityes; 004.H05.023 stranger then strangers, one who for a Dane 004.H05.024 In the Danes massacre had sure byn slayne, 004.H05.025 yf he had liued tthen, and without helpe dyes 004.H05.026 when next the Prentises 'gainst strangers rise: 004.H05.027 One whome the Watch at noone letts scarce goe by, 004.H05.028 one to whome th'examininge Iustices would cry 004.H05.029 S%5r%6, by your Preisthood, tell me what you are. 004.H05.030 His clothes were strange, though course, and blacke, though bare: 30 004.H05.031 Sleeue-les his Ierkin was, and it had byn 004.H05.032 Veluett, but was nowe (soe much ground was seene) [f.122v] 004.H05.033 Become Tuffetaffaty, and our children shall 004.H05.034 See it playne Rash a while, then nought at all. 004.H05.035 This thinge hath traveld', and (sayth) speakes all tongues, 004.H05.036 and only knowes, what to all states belongs. 004.H05.037 Made of the accent and best phrase of these 004.H05.038 he speakes one language; yf strange meates displease, 004.H05.039 Art can deceiue, or hunger force my taste, 004.H05.040 But Pedants motley-tongue, Souldiers bumbast, 40 004.H05.041 Mountibanks drug-tongue, nor the tearmes of Lawe 004.H05.042 are stronge ynough Preparatiues to drawe 004.H05.043 me to beare this; But I must be content 004.H05.044 with his Tongue, in his Tongue calld' Complement: 004.H05.045 In w%5ch%6 he can winne Widdowes, and pay scores, 004.H05.046 make men speake Treason, cozen subtlest whores, 004.H05.047 out-flatter Favorites, and outly eyther 004.H05.048 Iovius, or %JSurius%K[%1Mvar%2:>%Jsleidan%K<], or both together. 004.H05.049 He names me, and comes to me, I whisper, God 004.H05.050 Howe haue I sinn'd, that thy wrathes furious Rod 50 004.H05.051 this Fellowe chooseth me. He sayth, S%5r%6 004.H05.052 I like your iudgement, whome do you prefer 004.H05.053 for the best Linguist? and I sillily 004.H05.054 sayd, that I thought Calepines Dictionary. 004.H05.055 Nay but of men (most sweete Sir) Beza then, 004.H05.056 Some Iesuites; and two reuerend men [see_notes] 004.H05.057 of our two Academyes I nam'd; and there 004.H05.058 he stopt me, and sayd: Nay your Apostles were 004.H05.059 good pretty Linguists, and so Panurg was: 004.H05.060 But a poore Gentleman all these may passe 60 004.H05.061 by travell; Then as yf he would haue sold 004.H05.062 his tongue, he praysd' it; and such wonders told, 004.H05.063 that I was fayne to say, Had you liu'de, Sir, 004.H05.064 tyme ynough to haue byn Interpreter [f.123] 004.H05.065 to Babels Bricke-layers, sure that Towre had stood. 004.H05.066 He answears, yf of Court-life you knewe the good, 004.H05.067 you would leaue loannenes: I sayd, not alone 004.H05.068 my loannenes is: But Spartans fashion 004.H05.069 to teach by paynting drunkards, doth not laste, 004.H05.070 nowe Aretines pictures haue made fewe men chaste; 70 004.H05.071 No more can Princes Courts (though there be fewe 004.H05.072 better pictures of Vyce) teach me Vertue. 004.H05.073 He like an high ore-stretched' Lute-string squeekt, Sir 004.H05.074 'tis sweete to talke of kinges: At West-Minster 004.H05.075 (sayd I) the man that keeps the Abbey Tombes, 004.H05.076 and for his penny doth, whoeuer comes 004.H05.077 of all our Henryes and our Edwards talke, 004.H05.078 from kinge to kinge, and all their kin can walke; 004.H05.079 you shall heare nought but kinges, your eyes meete 004.H05.080 kings only, the way to it is, kinges-streete. 80 004.H05.081 He smerkd', he cry'de, Hee's base, Mechanicke, course, 004.H05.082 Soe are all your Englishmen in theire discourse. 004.H05.083 Are not you French-men neate, mine as you see? 004.H05.084 I haue but one French-man, looke he followes me; 004.H05.085 Certes they are neatly clothd': I of this minde am, 004.H05.086 your only wearinge is this Grogeram, 004.H05.087 not soe (Sir) I haue more. Vnder this pitch 004.H05.088 he would not fly: I cha'fte: but as an Itch 004.H05.089 scratchd' into smart, or as blunt Iron ground 004.H05.090 into an edge, hurtes worse; So I (foole) found 90 004.H05.091 Crossinge hurt me. To fitt my sullennes, 004.H05.092 He to another kay[sic] his style doth dresse, 004.H05.093 and askes, what newes? I tell him of newe playes. 004.H05.094 He takes my hand, and as a still, w%5ch%6 stayes 004.H05.095 A Sembreef 'twixt each note, so niggardly [f.123v] 004.H05.096 (as loth t'enrich me) tells he many a ly, 004.H05.097 more then tenne Hollinsheds, or Halls, or Stowes, 004.H05.098 of trivial house-hold trash: He knowes, he knowes 004.H05.099 when the Queene smild', or frown'd, or what 004.H05.100 A subtill states-man may gather of that. 100 004.H05.101 He knowes who loues whome, and who by poyson 004.H05.102 hasts to an Offices reversion. 004.H05.103 He knowes who hath sold his land, and who doth begge 004.H05.104 a Lycence old yron, bookes, shooes and Egge= 004.H05.105 shells to transport: shortly boyes shall not play 004.H05.106 at Span-counter, or Blowe-poynt, but they shall pay 004.H05.107 Tolle to some Courtier; and wiser then all vs 004.H05.108 He knowes what Lady is not painted. Thus 004.H05.109 He with %Jhonie%K[Mvar:>%Jhome%K<] meates tryes me: I belche, spew, spitt, 004.H05.110 looke pale and sickly lyke a Patient: yett 110 004.H05.111 He thrusts in more, as yf he had vndertooke 004.H05.112 To say Gallo-belgicus without booke. 004.H05.113 Speakes of all states and deeds, w%5ch%6 haue byn sence 004.H05.114 the Spaniards came to the losse of Amiens. 004.H05.115 Like a bigge wife at sight of loathed meate 004.H05.116 ready to travayle, Soe I sigh and sweate 004.H05.117 to heare his Macaron-talke: in vayne, for yett 004.H05.118 eyther my humor or his owne to fitt 004.H05.119 he like a priviledgd' Spy, whome nothing can 004.H05.120 discreditt, Libells nowe 'gainst each greate Man. 120 004.H05.121 He names a price for euery Office payd, 004.H05.122 howe our Warres thriue ill, because th'are delayd'; 004.H05.123 that Offices are entayld', and that there are 004.H05.124 Perpetuities of them, lastinge as farre 004.H05.125 as the last day, and that greate Officers 004.H05.126 doe with the Pyrates share and Dunkirkers: [f.124] 004.H05.127 who wasts in meate, in Cloaths, in Horse he notes, 004.H05.128 who loues boyes, who whores, and who Goates. 004.H05.129 I more amazd' then Circes prisoners, when 004.H05.130 they felt themselues turnd' beasts, felt my selfe then 130 004.H05.131 becom%Minge Traytor, and me thought I sawe 004.H05.132 One of our Gyant statutes open his iawe 004.H05.133 to sucke me in for hearinge him; I found 004.H05.134 that as burnt venom'd Letchers might growe sound 004.H05.135 by givinge others theire soares, So I might growe 004.H05.136 guilty and he free: therefore I did showe 004.H05.137 all signes of loathing: but since I am in 004.H05.138 I must pay mine, and my Fore-fathers sinne, 004.H05.139 to the lost farthinge: therefore to my power 004.H05.140 toughly and stubbornely I bare this Crosse; but th'hower 140 004.H05.141 of my redemption nowe was come; he tryes to bringe 004.H05.142 me to pay a fine to stop his torturinge, 004.H05.143 and sayth, S%5r%6, can you spare me, I sayd willingly, 004.H05.144 nay S%5r%6, can you spare me a Crowne, thankefully I 004.H05.145 gaue it as a Ransome; but as Fidlers still 004.H05.146 though they be payd to be gone, yet will 004.H05.147 thrust one more Iigge vpon you; So did he 004.H05.148 with his long Complementall thankes vexe me. 004.H05.149 But he is gone, thankes to his needy want, 004.H05.150 and the prerogatiue of my Crowne. Skant 150 004.H05.151 his thankes were ended, when I, w%5ch%6 did see 004.H05.152 all the Court filld' with more strange thinges then He, 004.H05.153 ranne from thence with such or more hast then one 004.H05.154 who feares more actions, makes from prison. 004.H05.155 At home in holesome solitarinesse 004.H05.156 my piteous Soule began the wretchednes 004.H05.157 of sutors at Court to mone, and a Traunce [f.124v] 004.H05.158 like his who dreamd' he sawe Hell)[sic] did advaunce [see_notes] 004.H05.159 it selfe o're me, and such men as he sawe there 004.H05.160 Sawe I at Court, and more, and worse. Lowe feare 160 004.H05.161 becomes the guilty, not th'accuser, why should I then, 004.H05.162 being nones slaue, of high-bourne or raisd' men 004.H05.163 feare frounes? and my Mistresse, Truth, betray thee 004.H05.164 to th'huffinge, braggart, pufft Nobility? 004.H05.165 No no; thou w%5ch%6 since yesterday hast beene 004.H05.166 almost about the world, hast thou seene 004.H05.167 (o Sunne) in all thy iourney vanity 004.H05.168 such as swells the bladder of the Court? I 004.H05.169 thinke he w%5ch%6 the Waxen Garden brought, and 004.H05.170 transported it from Italy to stand 170 004.H05.171 with vs at London, flouts our Presence. for 004.H05.172 iust such gay painted thinges, w%5ch%6 no sap, nor 004.H05.173 tast haue in them ours are, and seeme naturall 004.H05.174 branches of the stalke are their fruites, bastard all. 004.H05.175 'Tis ten a Clocke and past, all whome the Mewes, 004.H05.176 Baloune, Diett, Tennis, or the Stewes 004.H05.177 had all the fore-noone held, nowe the second 004.H05.178 time that day made ready, in flocks are found 004.H05.179 In the Presence, and I, God pardon me. 004.H05.180 As fresh and sweete their apparrells be, as be 180 004.H05.181 the feilds they sold to buy them, for a king 004.H05.182 those hose are, cry those Flatterers that bring 004.H05.183 them next vnto the Theater to sell. 004.H05.184 Wants reach all States: Me thinkes they doe as well 004.H05.185 at Stage as Court; All are Players: who'ere lookes 004.H05.186 (for themselues dare not goe) on cheape-side bookes, 004.H05.187 shall finde their wardops Inventory: Nowe 004.H05.188 The Ladies come, as Pirates w%5ch%6 did knowe [f.125] 004.H05.189 that there came weake ships fraught with Cutchianeill: 004.H05.190 the men boord them, and prayse, as they thinke well 190 004.H05.191 their beautyes, they the mens witts, both are bought: 004.H05.192 Why good witts n'ere weare Skarlett gownes, I thought 004.H05.193 this cause, these men mens witts for speeches buy, 004.H05.194 and women buy all Reds w%5ch%6 scarlett dye. 004.H05.195 He calls her beauties Lime-twiggs, her haire nette, 004.H05.196 She feares her %JReds%K[%1Mvar%2:>%JDrugs%K<] ill plac'd, her haire loose sett. 004.H05.197 Would not Heraclytus laugh to se[sp:sic] Macrine 004.H05.198 from hatt to shooe himselfe at doore refine, 004.H05.199 as yf the Presence were a Mosquite and lift 004.H05.200 his cloake aloft, and call his Cloaths to shrift, 200 004.H05.201 makinge them Confesse not only mortall 004.H05.202 greate staynes and holes in them, but veniall 004.H05.203 Feathers and dust, by w%5ch%6 they Fornicate: 004.H05.204 And then by Dureru's[sic] rules survayes the state 004.H05.205 of his each lim%Me: and with stringe the odds tryes 004.H05.206 from his Necke to his wriste, and small t'his thies. 004.H05.207 Soe in im%Maculate cloathes, and symmetry 004.H05.208 perfect as Circles, with such nicety, 004.H05.209 as a young Preacher at his first time goes 004.H05.210 to preach, he enters; and a Lady w%5ch%6 owes 210 004.H05.211 Him not so much as goodwill, he straight arrests, 004.H05.212 and vnto her Protests, protests, protests 004.H05.213 Soe much, as at Rome would serue to haue throwne 004.H05.214 Ten Cardinalls into th'Inquisition; 004.H05.215 and whispred soe often by Iesu, that a 004.H05.216 %JPursuivant%K[%1Mvar%2:>%JTopcliff%K<] would haue rauisht him away 004.H05.217 for sayinge our Ladies Psalter: but tis fitt 004.H05.218 that they each other Plague, they meritt it [f.125v] 004.H05.219 But there come[sic] Glorious that will plague them both [see_notes] 004.H05.220 who in an extreme rudenes only doth 220 004.H05.221 call a rough carelesnes good fashion, 004.H05.222 whose cloake his spurres teare, whome he spitts on 004.H05.223 he cares not; his ill wordes doe no harme 004.H05.224 to him, he rusheth in, as yf Arme, Arme, 004.H05.225 He came to cry, and though his face be as ill 004.H05.226 as those who in old hangings whipp Christ still, 004.H05.227 he striveth to looke worse, keepes all in awe, 004.H05.228 Iests, like a Lycensd' foole, Com%Mands like Lawe. 004.H05.229 Tyr'de nowe I leaue this place, and but pleasd' soe 004.H05.230 as men w%5ch%6 from Iayles t'Execution goe, 230 004.H05.231 goe through the Greate chamber. Why is that hunge 004.H05.232 with the 7 deadly sinnes, being among 004.H05.233 those Ascoparts,[sp:sic] men bigge ynough to th>%Vr%Jliving%K<] barrells of Beere, flagons of wine. 004.H05.237 I shooke like a spyd'e spy; Preachers w%5ch%6 are 004.H05.238 Seas of witt and art, you can; then dare 004.H05.239 drowne the sinnes of this place: for, for me 004.H05.240 who am a skant Brooke, it ynough shalbe 240 004.H05.241 to wash their staynes away; and though I yett 004.H05.242 with Macabees modesty haue not the meritt 004.H05.243 of my con'd lesson, yet some wisemen shall 004.H05.244 I hope esteeme my W>%5%Jr%K%6%5x%6< preceding "two reuerend men" (l.56) refers to M gloss: >xD%5r%6 Reinolds, /and /xD%5r%6 Andrewes<; >%5x%6< preceding "his" (l.158) refers to M gloss: >xThe old L. chamberlaine /Hunsdon<; >%5x%6< preceding "Glorious" (l.219) refers to M gloss: >xL.B.<%2