IDENTILIN$$ X017TM1b Crewe ms.\p. 57 (2nd copy, ll. 26ff.)\E:GAS\x\1-11-94\P:AY\o\4-94\C:JSC 017.TM1bHE1 Love / & / Beauty.[lm] 017.TM1b001om 017.TM1b002om 017.TM1b003om 017.TM1b004om 017.TM1b005om 017.TM1b006om 017.TM1b007om 017.TM1b008om 017.TM1b009om 017.TM1b010om 017.TM1b011om 017.TM1b012om 017.TM1b013om 017.TM1b014om 017.TM1b015om 017.TM1b016om 017.TM1b017om 017.TM1b018om 017.TM1b019om 017.TM1b020om 017.TM1b021om 017.TM1b022om 017.TM1b023om 017.TM1b024om 017.TM1b025om 017.TM1b026om 017.TM1b027 %JLoue%K %Jbuilt%K %Jon%K %Jbeauty%K soone as beuty dyes 017.TM1b028 choose this face chang'd by noe deformityes 017.TM1b029 Weomen are all like >%Vto< angells the fayre bee 017.TM1b030 like those that fell to worse, but such as shee 017.TM1b031 like y%5e%6 good angells nothing can ympayre 017.TM1b032 t'is less greife to be foule then t'haue bin fayre 017.TM1b033 ffor one nights reuells, silke and gould wee choose 017.TM1b034 but in long iourneyes cloth and leather vse 017.TM1b035 Bea%5u%6ty is barren oft, best husbands say 017.TM1b036 there is best land wher there is foulest way 017.TM1b037 oh what a souereigne plaster will shee bee 017.TM1b038 yf thy past sinnes haue taught thee iealouzie 017.TM1b039om 017.TM1b040om 017.TM1b041 When Belgias citties the round Countryes droune 017.TM1b042 that durtie foulness gards and armes the towne 017.TM1b043 Soe doth her face gard her And soe for thee 017.TM1b044 who forct by business absent oft must bee 017.TM1b045 shee whose face like cloudes turnes day to night 017.TM1b046 who mightyer then the sea, makes moores seeme white 017.TM1b047 who though 7 yeares shee in the stewes had layd 017.TM1b048 A nunry dust receaue, and think a mayd 017.TM1b049 and though in childbirths labor shee did lye 017.TM1b050 midwifes would sweare twere but a timpany 017.TM1b051 whom yf she'accuse her self I creditt less 017.TM1b052 then witches that ympossibles confess 017.TM1b053om 017.TM1b054om 017.TM1b055 One like none, and lik'd of none fitt'st were 017.TM1b056 for thinges in fashion euery man will weare 017.TM1b0SSom 017.TM1b0$$ %1no ind.; 2d copy of ll. 27-38, 41-52, 55-56 only; HE in lm, nonscribe; checks before ll. 34 & 48%2